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印刷技術源自西元七世紀以前(張秀民,1997),在中國的播種萌芽之後,逐漸在世界各地發揚光大,歷經一千三百多年的發展,包括各學門科學技術的交互啟迪,同時也為各時代文明遞嬗,發揮了承先啟後的貢獻。 包括出版事業的興起、新聞資訊的流通,不僅促進知識的普及化,也在即時訊息縮短了人際的距離。 本研究主要在探討歷史核心的思考,以科技文脈的軸心,建構典藏的項目,提供為展示規劃的前導。
Printing Technology is originated in 7th century earlier. Rising from mainland China then spreading worldwide. Either in technology science or human culture, printing contributes in development of serve as a link between past and future for 1300 years. Such as publishing rising, news communication, not only urge knowledge popular but also narrow the range with instant information. This study is based in printing historical thinking center for relics’ reservation and the pioneer of exhibition planning.
Printing Technology is originated in 7th century earlier. Rising from mainland China then spreading worldwide. Either in technology science or human culture, printing contributes in development of serve as a link between past and future for 1300 years. Such as publishing rising, news communication, not only urge knowledge popular but also narrow the range with instant information. This study is based in printing historical thinking center for relics’ reservation and the pioneer of exhibition planning.