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漢字的書寫與應用歷經長久的發展,在藝術上的表現相當豐富;除了中國書藝系統的書法和篆刻之外,在民間美術字中更展現常民對漢字的感情與生命力,而發展至今漢字的視覺設計表現在我們的生活中俯拾皆是,並且充滿未來性。做為一個視覺設計的研究與實務者,理應對漢字設計的啟源、發展和精神內函有深入的知悉與掌握,而對於漢字造形圖案的設計更應有一定的表現能力,因為那不只是美學能力的基礎,更是對自我文化的認同與追尋。 由於研究者出生的年代與求學、研習視覺設計的成長過程中,與漢字的創新設計有很大的疏離,初始對漢字設計並無明顯的喜好。對漢字設計的興趣起源來自國內設計社團所舉辦的漢字設計展覽,與國外出版品中的亞洲設計師的漢字設計作品,從中發現漢字之美;一個已有數千年歷史文化的字體,在設計師的巧思之下,創造出一種可讀又可看、既東方又現代感、既抽象又有裝飾之美的視覺品味,它是一種令擁有者感到無比驕傲的文化因子,它是一種讓我們在西方美學文化裡暮然回首的力量,它是讓我決定以漢字為研究方向的關鍵。 本創作以漢字的源由與應用發展為始,分析整理漢字圖案在不同領域、不同年代的創作,另外也研究象徵表現手法於漢字設計的學理依據、優缺點及可行性,以探討在漢字象徵表現的海報設計是否有可依循的設計法則。另外從城鄉的定義出發,透過資料的整理,尋找城鄉的形象界定,做為研究創作主題探討的基礎,同時分類整理國內外關於城鄉形象主題的平面廣告與海報創作,歸納設計題材與內容的相關聯系,使本研究的基本資料能盡量完整。 研究者在獲得漢字象徵表現手法應用於海報設計的可行性後,以台灣城鄉形象海報的主題進行創作,在創作過程與作品呈現中,檢驗漢字設計的思考脈胳,整理出象徵於漢字設計的方法,提供未來創作者或後續研究者的參考方向。
In more than two-thousand-year development history of Chinese Characters, it has a variety of appearances in art. Besides Eastern Asian Calligraphy and Seal Cutting, Chinese Characters have been seen and surrounded in common daily life. As a designer and a researcher of visual design, I think it is a process of self-awareness and inner-examination adventure to learn knowledge about the beginning, development, and representing spirit of designing Chinese Characters. Moreover, through this amazing adventure, I’ve been nurtured not only a capability of appreciating the beauty of Chinese Characters, but also a capability of designing creations by applying symbolism of Chinese Characters. By all means above, it derived me to dedicate myself into doing research on Chinese Characters. Following by introducing development history of Chinese Characters in this research, I have studied on symbolism applying Chinese Characters in aspect of theories, pros / cons, and capabilities. It allows me to be able to find possible designing rules in Chinese Characters poster creations. Furthermore, by choosing urban / rural images in Taiwan as design object, I have analyzed and generalized definitions of urban / rural images. In the meantime, I have also studied many print advertisements and posters which design object is related to urban / rural images in nationwide and overseas in order to gather more complete research data. In conclusion, I hope through whole research and my creations, it could provide reference materials for future designers and researchers in Chinese Characters designing methodology.



城鄉印象, 象徵, 漢字, Urban / Rural image, Symbolism, Chinese Characters





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