

本研究主要目的是在探討不同衛生教育介入策略,對紡織廠勞工聽力保護行為及相關因素之影響,並進一步探討勞工對本研究設計之手冊與影片的評價。研究採「實驗組對照組前測後測設計」,立意選取三家紡織廠高噪音作業勞工,實驗組一(80人)接受四次的聽力保護衛生教育計畫介入,並在每次活動後填寫活動過程評價表;實驗組二(81人)接受聽力保護手冊自學;對照組(78人)則無任何介入,實驗介入前後同時接受前測與後測問卷,所得之研究結果如下: 一、勞工在計畫介入前對聽力保護的相關知識整體答對率僅45.7%;在採取聽力保護行為的利益性因素上偏高;障礙性因素適中;自我效能尚可;態度趨於正向,但缺乏聽力損失的立即危機意識;對於工廠聽力保護計畫的實施現況不甚滿意;社會支持度不高;各項聽力保護行為多為「偶爾」做到。 二、聽力保護衛生教育計畫介入後,能顯著提升勞工聽力保護相關知識、自我效能、社會支持、工作環境的支持、採取聽力保護行為的利益及降低執行上的障礙,且增進勞工聽力保護行為。 三、運用聽力保護手冊自學,能提高勞工對聽力保護的相關知識、社會支持及採取聽力保護行為;但在噪音對聽力影響之態度、採取聽力保護行為的利益、障礙、自我效能的提升與工作環境的支持上並未有顯著之影響。 四、九成以上的實驗組勞工對於四次活動主題評價多認為滿意;對活動呈現方式都有正向的評價與感覺有所收穫;且對本研究所設計之聽力保護手冊與聽力保護影片都有正向肯定,並會嘗試依照手冊上教導的內容去執行聽力保護的行為。 由上可知,一套有效的聽力保護計畫應研擬適當的計畫模式,發展多元的介入策略,並符合對象的需求與特性,才能引起動機並達到效果;在手冊發展上應以勞工為主體,反應他們的意見和看法,才能獲得勞工的認同與接受,建議未來高噪音作業場所可以運用此聽力保護手冊,並藉由此介入模式進行勞工聽力保護衛生教育,以提升勞工聽力保護行為。
The main purpose of this study is to exam the effect of workers’ hearing protection behavior and the related factors by using the different intervention strategies on textile industry. Moreover, we further investigate workers’ assessment toward the brochure and CD-ROM which are designed in this study. This study was designed with the standard experimental method, ‘experiment group& control group with pre-test & post-test’. The study chose three textile mills with high-noise exposed workers. The experimental group one (80 people) took intervention program of hearing protection health education for four times and gave the assessment after each activity, the experimental group two (81 people) read health promotion brochures by themselves, and the control group (78 people) did not receive any treatment. All the participants were administered pre-test and post-test questionnaires at the same time. The main findings were as follow: Before the intervention, workers’ whole responding rate of the related knowledge of hearing protection is only 45.7%. To adopt the protection of hearing behavior in the benefit factor is high, in the barrier one is moderate, and self- potency is permissible. The attitude with the present situation tends to positive, but they lack the immediate crisis of losing the hearing. Workers do not satisfy with the implementation of hearing protection plan in the factory at present situation. The support from the society is not high. Each protection of hearing behavior achieves "occasionally". After the intervention, it can increase workers’ related knowledge of hearing protection, self efficiency, social support, working environmental support, benefits of hearing protection, and reduce the obstacles in implementing. Besides, it increases workers’ behavior of hearing protection. By using the health promotion brochures by themselves, it can increase workers’ related knowledge of hearing protection, social support, and also can raise to select and adopt hearing protection behavior. However, it fails to increase their attitude of the hearing which is influenced by the noise, self efficiency, working environmental support, and also fails to raise to select and adopt the benefits of hearing protection; moreover, it also fails to reduce the obstacles. More than 95% of workers from the experimental groups show the great satisfaction with the four activity themes. They give high praise for the way to show the activities and learn a lot from the activities. They also give high praise toward the health promotion brochures and the movie of hearing protection, and claim that they will conduct the hearing protection behavior according to the brochures. As what has been shown above, in order to arouse the workers’ motivation and to gain the positive effects, it is important to plan a set of appropriate hearing protection plans, multiple intervention strategies, and fulfill the workers’ need and qualities. In order to gain the workers’ recognition and acceptance, we need to view them as subjects, reflect their opinions and thoughts in the development of the brochures. We suggest that the high-noise factories will use these health promotion brochures in the future, and carry hearing protection health education on the workers by this involvement pattern to increase the workers’ behavior of hearing protection.



噪音, 紡織業, 聽力保護衛生教育, noises, textile industry, hearing protection health education





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