本研究主要目的在探討台北市國中學生規律運動行為及其影響因素,以台北市立長安國民中學九十九學年度在學之普通班七、八、九年級學生為研究對象進行抽樣,採用結構式問卷進行資料收集,共得有效樣本370人。所得資料以信度分析、描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異分析、Pearson 積差相關分析及複迴歸等統計方法進行分析,研究結果歸納如下:
三、家庭運動設備多以籃球、腳踏車、跳繩、羽球為主,社區環境運 動場地則偏向公園為主、學校次之、籃球場為第三。
The study aims mainly to explore the regular exercise behavior of junior high school students in Taipei and the relevant factors with the students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grade in the regular class of Taipei Municipal Changan Junior High School in the 2010 academic year as research objects for sampling. The study goes about data collection by the structural questionnaire. The valid samples are altogether 370 people. The data collected are made an analysis by reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product -moment correlation, and multiple regression. The research results are inducted as follows: 1. The research objects who had a regular exercise behavior beside the physical education curriculum in the latest one month accounted for 58.7% of the whole students. The main exercise items taken by the research objects were basketball, running, and ascending/descending stairs. 2. Regarding the social psychological factor distribution of exercise of the research objects: The extent of sense of exercise pleasure-seeking is middle-to-high, the extent of social support of exercise is below the middle, the extent of self-efficacy of exercise is middle-to-low, and the extent of role model of exercise is middle-to-low. 3. The main family exercise facilities are basketball, bicycle, rope jumping and badminton. The main community environment sports venue tends to be a park, the school is the second, and the basketball court is the third. 4. In the personal background factors, only the gender will influence the regular exercise behavior, and the regular exercise behavior of the male is particularly higher than that of the female. 5. In the social psychological factors of exercise, the self-efficacy of exercise, social support of peer exercise, sense of exercise pleasure-seeking, role model of exercise are all positively correlated with the regular exercise. In the social environment factors of exercise, the family exercise facility is positively correlated with the regular exercise. 6. Pursuant to the multiple regression, the higher the self-efficacy of exercise is, the more it increases the extracurricular regular exercise behavior. The extracurricular regular exercise behavior of the male is higher than that of the female. 7. Regarding the male, the self-efficacy of exercise, social support of peer exercise, sense of exercise pleasure-seeking and family exercise facility are positively correlated with the regular exercise behavior. Regarding the female, the self-efficacy of exercise, social support of family exercise, social support of peer exercise, social support of teacher exercise, sense of exercise pleasure-seeking and role model of exercise are positively correlated with the regular exercise behavior.
The study aims mainly to explore the regular exercise behavior of junior high school students in Taipei and the relevant factors with the students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grade in the regular class of Taipei Municipal Changan Junior High School in the 2010 academic year as research objects for sampling. The study goes about data collection by the structural questionnaire. The valid samples are altogether 370 people. The data collected are made an analysis by reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product -moment correlation, and multiple regression. The research results are inducted as follows: 1. The research objects who had a regular exercise behavior beside the physical education curriculum in the latest one month accounted for 58.7% of the whole students. The main exercise items taken by the research objects were basketball, running, and ascending/descending stairs. 2. Regarding the social psychological factor distribution of exercise of the research objects: The extent of sense of exercise pleasure-seeking is middle-to-high, the extent of social support of exercise is below the middle, the extent of self-efficacy of exercise is middle-to-low, and the extent of role model of exercise is middle-to-low. 3. The main family exercise facilities are basketball, bicycle, rope jumping and badminton. The main community environment sports venue tends to be a park, the school is the second, and the basketball court is the third. 4. In the personal background factors, only the gender will influence the regular exercise behavior, and the regular exercise behavior of the male is particularly higher than that of the female. 5. In the social psychological factors of exercise, the self-efficacy of exercise, social support of peer exercise, sense of exercise pleasure-seeking, role model of exercise are all positively correlated with the regular exercise. In the social environment factors of exercise, the family exercise facility is positively correlated with the regular exercise. 6. Pursuant to the multiple regression, the higher the self-efficacy of exercise is, the more it increases the extracurricular regular exercise behavior. The extracurricular regular exercise behavior of the male is higher than that of the female. 7. Regarding the male, the self-efficacy of exercise, social support of peer exercise, sense of exercise pleasure-seeking and family exercise facility are positively correlated with the regular exercise behavior. Regarding the female, the self-efficacy of exercise, social support of family exercise, social support of peer exercise, social support of teacher exercise, sense of exercise pleasure-seeking and role model of exercise are positively correlated with the regular exercise behavior.
運動自我效能, 運動角色楷模, 運動社會支持, 運動享樂感, 運動環境因素, 規律運動行為, self-efficacy of exercise, role model of exercise, social support of exercise, sense of exercise pleasure-seeking, environment factor of exercise, regular exercise behavior