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近年來運動績優生研究多聚焦於環境如何影響個人心理運作、產出行為或適應難題,而角色議題備受注目。林子恩等 (2012) 發現國家代表隊運動員 (2008-2010)、體育系所運動員與運動績優生之運動角色社會化會受到環境與重要他人影響,以及大專運動績優生身份特殊性使其肩負多重角色而形成角色壓力。本研究旨在分析大專運動績優保送生之角色壓力、適應情形與運動參與動機之現況,並以個人不同背景變項探討上述變項間之關係與預測情形。本研究運用問卷調查法,採便利取樣,回收有效問卷共323份,剔除無效問卷後將所得研究參與者資料運用統計套裝軟體IBM-SPSS 22.0進行分析,包含:描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析與迴歸分析。研究結果如下:一、學業適應與角色壓力呈現中度負相關。二、運動訓練適應與角色壓力呈現中度負相關。三、學業適應能正向預測運動參與動機。四、運動訓練適應能正向預測運動參與動機。五、適應情形能正向預測運動參與動機。六、角色壓力能負向預測運動參與動機。七、適應與角色壓力機制與運動參與動機中之自我決定概念有關。未來研究方向建議:一、蒐集更多非運動相關科系者資料。二、適應為動態過程,適應測量構念與量表仍有許多發展空間,建議在將來適應之測量上能延伸至縱貫式調查。三、可延伸探討Snyder (1985) 提出之「學生-運動員」角色承諾概念與角色壓力之關係。
Studies on elite student-athletes have focused on how the social environment affects their psychological outcomes or how to deal with their adaptational difficulties, roles being one of the most salient variables. Elite student-athletes bearing with their academic and athletic role identities could be influenced by their surroundings and significant others. The study aimed at analyzing the current status and relationship among role stress, adaptation, and sports motivation in questionnaire fashion. With 323 valid responses from collegiate participants, the study adopted descriptive, reliability, factor, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, and regression analyses. The findings were as follows: 1. Adaptation in academics and sports training were negatively correlated to role stress. 2. Adaptation in academics and sports training (individually) were able to predict sports motivation positively. 3. Role stress was able to predict sports motivation negatively. 4. The mechanism processed within the construct of adaptation and role stress was related to self-determination. The study suggested: 1. Collect more participants receiving schooling in non-sport fields. 2. The inventory and definition for measuring adaptation should be examined more or tried in longitudinal fashion to cater to its dynamic nature. 3. Probe into the relationship between role stress and the commitment to academics and sports training as a student-athlete proposed by Snyder (1985).
Studies on elite student-athletes have focused on how the social environment affects their psychological outcomes or how to deal with their adaptational difficulties, roles being one of the most salient variables. Elite student-athletes bearing with their academic and athletic role identities could be influenced by their surroundings and significant others. The study aimed at analyzing the current status and relationship among role stress, adaptation, and sports motivation in questionnaire fashion. With 323 valid responses from collegiate participants, the study adopted descriptive, reliability, factor, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, and regression analyses. The findings were as follows: 1. Adaptation in academics and sports training were negatively correlated to role stress. 2. Adaptation in academics and sports training (individually) were able to predict sports motivation positively. 3. Role stress was able to predict sports motivation negatively. 4. The mechanism processed within the construct of adaptation and role stress was related to self-determination. The study suggested: 1. Collect more participants receiving schooling in non-sport fields. 2. The inventory and definition for measuring adaptation should be examined more or tried in longitudinal fashion to cater to its dynamic nature. 3. Probe into the relationship between role stress and the commitment to academics and sports training as a student-athlete proposed by Snyder (1985).
大專運動績優生, 學生運動員, 角色壓力, 重要他人, 自我決定, elite collegiate student-athletes, role stress, significant others, self-determination