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本研究旨在探討臺灣大學綜合體育館服務品質與顧客滿意度對於再購意願之預測能力,並分析其服務品質與顧客滿意度之相關程度。本研究主要以2010年3月20至4月30日,前往臺灣大學綜合體育館消費運動之顧客,共計446人,並使用問卷調查法瞭解現行臺大綜合體育館服務品質、顧客滿意度與再購意願之現況,並以敘述統計、單因子變異數分析、典型相關與多元逐步迴歸分析來分進行統計分析,研究結果發現如下: 一、現行臺大綜合體育館顧客樣本結構,以24歲以下、大專以上學歷、學生身分者居多,一週普遍有2-3次的使用頻率,每次使用時間以60分鐘以上為主。 二、臺大綜合體育館在服務品質、顧客滿意度再購意願與之現況皆為「普通」到「同意」之間,顯示尚有加強空間。 三、年齡、教育程度、一週使用頻率、會員身分會影響顧客對於臺大綜合體育館服務品質與顧客滿意度的認知感受。 四、臺大綜合體育館服務品質與顧客滿意度存在正向影響關係,意即服務品質越高,其顧客滿意度即會越高。 五、服務品質的「反應性」、「關懷性」與顧客滿意度的「行銷策略」、「硬體設施」對顧客再購意願有預測力,其中尤以「行銷策略」影響力最大,顯示臺大綜合體育館的行銷策略活動最能正向提升顧客再購意願。 基此,本研究建議未來臺灣大學綜合體育館之經營管理,可從加強行銷策略著手,同時也可透過教育訓練來增強服務人員的專業素養,進而提升員工之服務品質,以誠摯的服務,無瑕的品質,多元化的經營管理,進一步拓展社區客源。
The purpose of the study was to reveal the relations among service quality, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention of customers in National Taiwan University Sports Center. There were 446 customers reached as subjects by questionnaire from March 20 to April 30 in 2010. According to the data collected, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, canonical correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis were performed for data analysis. The results were derived as followed: 1. The main group of the customers were less than 24 years old (inclusive), bachelor degree, students, and went to sports center 2-3 times a week more than 60 minutes each time. 2. National Taiwan University Sports Center scored slightly above the average in service quality, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention of customers. 3. The age, education level, frequency and membership affected how customers evaluate service quality and customer satisfaction. 4. There was a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in National Taiwan University Sports Center. Thus, as the service quality goes higher, the customer satisfaction increases. 5. The responsiveness and empathy of service quality, marketing strategy and facility of customer satisfaction were the predictors for repurchase intention of customers. Among which marketing strategy had the greatest effect, showing that the marketing strategy could positively escalate customers’ repurchase intention. Based on the research results, it is suggested that National Taiwan University Sports Center’s strengthening the marketing strategy in the future, improving service quality through training of employees’ professional competence, as well as actively expanding new customers in neighbor communities.



臺大綜合體育館, 服務品質, 顧客滿意度, 再購意願, 消費者行為, 行銷, National Taiwan University Sports Center, service quality, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention of customers, consumer behavior, marketing





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