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臺北縣 : 輔仁大學民生學院
本研究目的有三:1.瞭解保育員在育幼院中扮演的角色;2. 瞭解育幼院院童與保育員間的依戀品質;3.探究影響院童與保育員間依戀品質的因素。 選取台灣地區某育幼院中4個月至2歲正形成依戀關係之院童作為研究的觀察對象,經篩選後符合觀察年齡者共計7位院童,由研究者完成氣質量表以及師生依戀行為觀察。經分析後本研究獲致結果如下: 一、育幼院童的生活型態以機構式的家庭教養型態為主,強調生活方面的照顧。研究發現因嬰幼兒作息時間彼此干擾、師生比例偏高以及保育員工作量偏多(餵食、清潔沐浴、安撫入睡、行政工作等),和活動空間的限制等因素,均會影響院童的照顧品質。 二、保育員在育幼院中扮演的角色分別為生活照顧者、教導者、行政者以及溝通協調者。 三、受試院童大多於出生一個月左右入院,觀察發現院童均可以將保育員視為依戀對象,與保育員有良好的互動關係,喜歡和保育員一起遊戲、擁抱,抗拒離開保育員等。但同時也發現院童對於外來訪客,一樣表現出親近與不排拒的互動行為。 四、影響院童與保育員間依戀品質的因素則涵蓋院童的入院年齡、氣質表現、師生比、保育員的工作時數、工作量、多元角色以及育兒理念等。
According to the government statistics, there are more and more families of loss functions and thus an increased amount of children placed in out of home care in 2011. Out-of-home placement refers to children who are removed from their parents' homes and cared for in a different setting. Placement settings include family foster care home, living with relatives, group residential homes and institutional care. This research focuses on children placed in group-residential homes (i.e., orphanage homes) and studies the quality of an attachment relationship formed between the caregiver and infants. This study was based on a sample including 7 infants(age range 4-24 months), and examined (1) the relationship between caregiver-infant attachment quality (Using caregiver-infant Q-set scores) and interviewed caregivers about the age of infants’ entering institutional, and (2) the association between quality of caregiver-infant attachment and observers’ report of the infant’s current temperament. The caregiver-infant Q-set included 65 items describing caregiver-infants interactions. Every infant was observed by two trained observers to get his caregiver-infant Q-set score. At the same time, the other observers evaluated the infant’s temperament. The research results provided suggestions in helping future caregivers develop emotionally healthy relationships with children, and inform policy makers or caregiver trainers the way to develop effective prevention or treatment approaches in out of home care.
According to the government statistics, there are more and more families of loss functions and thus an increased amount of children placed in out of home care in 2011. Out-of-home placement refers to children who are removed from their parents' homes and cared for in a different setting. Placement settings include family foster care home, living with relatives, group residential homes and institutional care. This research focuses on children placed in group-residential homes (i.e., orphanage homes) and studies the quality of an attachment relationship formed between the caregiver and infants. This study was based on a sample including 7 infants(age range 4-24 months), and examined (1) the relationship between caregiver-infant attachment quality (Using caregiver-infant Q-set scores) and interviewed caregivers about the age of infants’ entering institutional, and (2) the association between quality of caregiver-infant attachment and observers’ report of the infant’s current temperament. The caregiver-infant Q-set included 65 items describing caregiver-infants interactions. Every infant was observed by two trained observers to get his caregiver-infant Q-set score. At the same time, the other observers evaluated the infant’s temperament. The research results provided suggestions in helping future caregivers develop emotionally healthy relationships with children, and inform policy makers or caregiver trainers the way to develop effective prevention or treatment approaches in out of home care.