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就超級籃球聯賽 (SBL) 而言,球員是組織的員工也是比賽中不可或缺的主角,相關研究卻鮮少探究球員想法及球員與組織間互動的情形,因此,本研究以台灣啤酒籃球隊為研究個案,探討台啤隊球員對其組織之工作滿意度、組織承諾及生涯規劃概況,並分析台啤隊球員其對工作滿意度、組織承諾與生涯規劃之關聯性。 本研究採用質性研究,以台啤隊球員為研究對象進行深度訪談。經討論與分析,本研究結果為:一、台啤隊球員在場地設施、教練領導、團隊表現及隊友相處上,都有高度滿意;在薪資部分,以臺灣大環境而言,隊員們都可接受球團給付的酬勞。二、台啤隊球員對其球隊有高度努力及價值承諾,然,面臨CBA高薪挖腳,球員之留職承諾較低。三、台啤隊球員於未來生涯規劃上,工作滿意度與組織承諾並不完全正向影響其生涯規劃。此外,面對中國CBA的挖角,球員的高度工作滿意度與組織承諾不變,但卻會選擇離開SBL。 依據研究結果,建議台啤隊及SBL各球團:一、建立完整且透明的薪資制度;二、為現役球員開設生涯規劃課程及培養籃球以外其他職能;三、建立完善的SBL制度,並設法提高球員薪資和合約保障。
For the Super Basketball League (SBL), players were seen as the employee of the organization as well as the essential character for the game itself. However, studies rarely conveyed players’ opinion and their interaction with the organization. Therefore, the purpose of this study took the players of Taiwan Beer basketball team (TB) as the case to examine players’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment as well as career planning. Besides, this study also analyzed the relation between these three factors, and how they affected players’ decision making in life. This study emphasized on qualitative research, through interviewing TB players in detail. The results were as follows: First of all, TB players were highly satisfied with the facilities, coaching staff and team chemistry; in terms of salaries, acknowledging the overall environment in Taiwan’s sports industries, players thought they were reasonably paid. Secondly, compared to others, TB players were highly dedicated to their team. However, facing the lure of high salaries from the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), dedication became significantly lower. Thirdly, when it came to career planning, job satisfaction and organizational commitment did not always create positive effect on players’ planning. Further more, when faced with lucrative contracts from CBA, players’ high job satisfaction and organizational commitment remained the same, but they chose to leave SBL for CBA nonetheless. Based on the results, there will have some suggestions to TB and other SBL teams: First of all, construct a complete and transparent salary system. Secondly, design career planning and other courses to help current players prepare for retirement in the future. Thirdly, establish an overall perfected SBL guideline, increase players’ salary and contract security.



超級籃球聯賽, 組織承諾, 工作滿意度, 生涯規劃, SBL, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, career planning





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