
dc.contributorChen, Mei-Fangen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsiao, Pei-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究由成就動機理論出發,以數學科作為特定領域,探究不同教育階段、不同身分類別學生之環境目標結構、個人目標導向與學業情緒。並進一步探究資優生所知覺之環境目標結構對、個人目標導向與學業情緒之交互影響。本研究利用問卷調查法,以「環境目標結構」、「個人目標導向」及「學業情緒」為工具,研究對象包括11年級資優生62人、普通生276人;8年級資優生75人、普通生197人;5年級資優生47人、普通生158人。以單因子變異數分析與階層迴歸分析分析資料,所得結果如下: 一、不同教育階段學生之差異情形: (一)5年級學生所覺知到之教師、同儕與家家長之精熟目標結構顯著高於8年級和11年級學生。 (二)5年級學生持趨向精熟目標之傾向顯著高於8年級和11年級學生。 (三)5年級在愉悅、希望和自豪三項正向情緒顯著高於8年級和11年級學生;而11年級學生之無聊情緒顯著高於5年級學生。 二、不同身分類別學生之差異情形: (一)資優生所覺知之教師精熟目標結構顯著高於普通生。 (二)資優生趨向精熟、逃避精熟和趨向表現之傾向皆顯著高於普通生。而普通生在逃避表現目標之傾向則顯著高於資優生。 (三)資優生在愉悅、希望、自豪三個正向情緒上皆高於普通生。而生氣、焦慮、無望和無聊四個負向情緒,則是普通生高於資優生。 三、環境目標結構對個人目標導向與學業情緒之預測效果: (一)大致上來說,環境目標結構可預測資優生相對應之個人目標導向。 (二)整體來說,教師與同儕之精熟目標結構可正向預測資優生之正向情緒;教師與同儕之表現目標結構可正向預測資優生之負向情緒。其中,同儕精熟目標結構同時正向預測了資優生之自豪與焦慮兩種情緒。家長環境目標結構對資優生之學業情緒不具有預測效果。 四、環境目標結構、個人目標導向與學業情緒之中介效果: (一)資優生所覺知之教師精熟目標透過趨向精熟目標導向之部分中介或完全中介,對其學習數學之愉悅與希望情緒產生正向的預測效果。 (二)資優生所覺知之教師精熟目標結構完全透過逃避表現目標導向之中介,對其希望情緒產生正向的預測效果。 (三)資優生所覺知之教師精熟目標結構透過逃避表現目標導向之部分中介或完全中介對其生氣、焦慮、無望與無聊情緒產生負向的預測效果。 (四)資優生所覺知之同儕精熟目標結構完全透過精熟目標之中介,對其學習數學之自豪情緒產生正向的預測效果。 (五)資優生所覺知之同儕表現目標結構完全透過逃避表現目標之中介,對其學習數學之焦慮情緒產生正向的預測效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study based on the theory of achievement motivation and uses mathematics as a specific field to explore the environmental goal structures, individual goal orientations and academic emotions of gifted students in different education stages. Research tools are "environmental goal structure scale", " individual goal orientation scale" and " academic emotions scale". The participants of the research are as follows: 62 gifted students and 276 general students in the 11th grade ; 75 gifted students and 197 general students in the 8th grade ; 47 gifted students and 158 general students in the 5th grade. The collected data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and hierarchical regression. The main findings of the research are as follows: 1.The differences between students in different stages of education: (1)The Teacher-mastery goal, Peer-mastery goal and Home-mastery goal of the 5th grade students are significantly higher than that of the students in the 8th and 11th grade. (2)Students in the 5th grade are more prone to the mastery goal than the students in the 8th and 11th grade. (3)As for the positive emotions of enjoyment, hope and pride, students in the 5th grade were significantly higher than the students in the 8th and 11th grade; Moreover, the students in the 11th grade significantly felt more bored than the students in the 5th grade. 2.The differences between gifted students and general students: (1)The Teacher-mastery goal of gifted students is significantly higher than that of general students. (2)The Approach mastery goal, Avoidance mastery goal and Approach performance goal of gifted students are significantly higher than those of general students. The tendency of general students to Avoidance performance goal is significantly higher than that of gifted students. (3)The positive emotions of gifted students are higher than general students in the positive emotions of enjoyment, hope and pride. As for anger, anxiety, hopelessness and boredom, the general students are higher than gifted students. 3.Predictive effect/ predictive validity of environmental goal structure on Individual Goal Orientations and Academic Emotions (1)In general, the environmental goal structure can predict the corresponding individual goal orientation of the gifted students. (2)Teacher-mastery goal and Peer-mastery goal can positively predict the positive academic emotions of gifted students; Teacher-performance goal and Peer-performance goal can positively predict the negative academic emotions of gifted students. Among them, Peer-mastery goal also predicts the pride and anxiety of gifted students. Moreover, there is no predictive effect on the academic emotions of gifted students in Home-mastery goal and Home-performance goal. 4.The mediating effects of individual goal orientation between environment goal structures and academic emotions. (1)The teacher mastery goal which was perceived by gifted students was partially mediated or completely mediated through approach mastery goal, and positively predicted the enjoyment and hope emotions while studying math. (2)The teacher mastery goal which was perceived by gifted students was completely mediated through avoidance performance goal, and positively predicted the hope emotions while studying math. (3)The teacher mastery goal which was perceived by gifted students was partially mediated or completely mediated through avoidance performance goal, and negatively predicted the anger, anxiety, hopelessnessm and boredom emotions while studying math. (4)The Peer-mastery goal which was perceived by gifted students was completely mediated through approach mastery goal, and positively predicted the pride emotions while studying math. (5)The peer-performance goal which was perceived by gifted students was completely mediated through avoidance performance goal, and positively predicted the anxiety emotions while studying math.en_US
dc.subjectgifted studentsen_US
dc.subjectindividual goal orientationsen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental goal structureen_US
dc.subjectachievement emotionen_US
dc.titleThe Environmental Goal Structures, Individual Goal Orientations and Academic Emotions of Gifted Students in Different Educational Stagesen_US


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