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  目的:評估3分鐘划船衰竭測驗 (3-min RT) 之再測信度,並發展新的划船臨界負荷 (critical power, CP) 評估方法。方法:18名自願參與本研究之男子划船選手(年齡為17.72 ± 1.87歲,身高為178.00 ± 4.28公分,體重為70.69 ± 4.97公斤)。所有受試者須進行2,000公尺室內划船測驗,並分別透過3-min RT及划船漸增負荷測驗判定攝氧峰值 (VO2peak) 及最大攝氧量 (VO2max) 。而在CP測驗中,則以作功-時間 (work-time, W-t) 及功率-時間倒數 (power-1/time, P-t-1) 之模式判定CP及無氧作功能力 (anaerobic work capacity, W') 。此外,透過3-min RT判定結束功率 (end-test power, EP) 及高於結束功率之總作功 (work done above the EP, WEP) ,且3-min RT須進行2次以評估再測信度。以上測驗皆須間隔48小時以上。結果:組內相關係數分析顯示3-min RT具良好再測信度 (ICC = .62 ~ .97, p< .05) 。EP (269.22 ± 39.20 W) 與W-t模式 (271.99 ± 29.82 W) 及P-t-1 (275.71 ± 31.60 W) 之CP值,皆達顯著相關(r = .75與 .80, p < .05),且EP與兩模式之CP皆無顯著差異。然而,WEP (16.63 ± 4.03 kJ) 與兩模式之W' (W-t, 13.23 ± 2.99 kJ; P-t-1, 12.33 ± 3.23 kJ) 並無顯著相關。VO2peak及VO2max具顯著相關性 (r = .66, p < .05) 。結論:3分鐘划船衰竭測驗具良好信效度,且可有效評估男子划船選手有氧能力,特別是CP及VO2max等指標。
  Purpose: To assess the reproducibility of the 3-min all-out end test using on the rowing exercise (3-min RT), and to develop a new method to measure the critical power (CP) on rowing. Methods: Eighteen male rowers (age, 17.72 ± 1.87 years; height, 178.00 ± 4.28 cm; weight, 70.69 ± 4.97 kg) volunteered to participate in this study. All subjects were asked to perform the 2,000 meter indoor rowing test. The peak (VO2peak) and maximal (VO2max) oxygen consumption were respectively determined by the 3-min RT and incremental rowing exercise test. During the CP tests, the values of the CP and anaerobic work capacity (W') were calculated by work-time (W-t) and power-1/time (P-t-1) models. The end-test power (EP) and work done above the EP (WEP) were also calculated during the 3-min RT. Each subject was required to perform 2 times of the 3-min RT test for evaluating the test-retest reliability. All tests were sperated by at least 48 hours. Results: The results of ICC (intraclass correlation coefficient) indicated that the 3-min RT has good test-retest reliability (ICC = .62 ~ .97, p< .05) . The EP (269.22 ± 39.20 W) was significantly correlated to the CP which were calculated by W-t (271.99 ± 29.82 W) and P-t-1 (275.71 ± 31.60 W) models (r = .75 and .80, p < .05) , and it was not significantly different from the CP calculated by these two models. However, the WEP (16.63 ± 4.03 kJ) was not significantly correlated to the W' (W-t, 13.23 ± 2.99 kJ; P-t-1, 12.33 ± 3.23 kJ), and it was significant different from the W' calculated by these two models. There was significant correlation between the VO2peak and VO2max (r = .66, p< .05). Conclusion: The 3-min RT has good reliability, and can validly assess the aerobic capacity in male rowers, especially the CP and VO2max.



結束功率, 高於結束功率之總作功, 室內划船, end-test power, work done above the EP, indoor rowing





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