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我採用質性研究方式,以觀察與訪談探究國中資源班的智障學生小慈在校園內表現的利社會行為、發生情境、社會反應及其間的交互關係,獲得以下發現: 一、小慈的利社會行為達國中生水準,分為助人、關懷、分享與合作四大類。助人行為最常發生,包括:幫助、直接教導、間接提示、協助與志願服務;關懷行為次之,包括:誇獎、鼓勵、友善、關懷及同理心;其後為分享行為,包含給予、謙讓及分享;非助人性質的合作行為只發生一件。 二、資源班是小慈利社會行為的重要發生情境,共三大類情境線索有助於利社會行為的產生:與環境有關的線索、與接受者有關的線索、與小慈個人有關的線索。與環境有關的線索是老師提問或提示、現場有教師曾要求的事務、例行班務;與接受者有關的線索最為重要,包括:接受者有困難、未完成任務、表現佳、心情差及接受者不喜歡的事;與小慈個人有關的線索為對她接受者的偏好、避免擁有物較多與避免無聊狀態三種。接受者有困難的情境最能激發小慈的利社會行為,其次是現場有小慈比較喜歡的人(對接受者的偏好)。此外,小慈主動、友善、溫和、很好心、喜歡朋友,有利於表現利社會行為。 三、利社會行為發生後,接受者或非接受者的社會反應分為四大類:表情、接受、拒絕與增強。表情方面有笑容、面無表情及氣憤不悅,笑容的出現率最高,通常代表他人接受小慈的行為,惟少數情況為婉拒;接受反應有和小慈一起行動、讓小慈自己行動、依循小慈的利社會行為而自己行動、贊同而無行動四種;拒絕反應有直接拒絕與加以指正兩種;增強是最少出現的社會反應,分為向小慈道謝與口頭或物質增強兩種。 四、同儕正向的社會反應(笑容和各類接受行動)可增進小慈的利社會行為,教師的讚美與指正導致利社會行為的增減。 最後,經由探索過程中的收穫,提供第一線教育工作者及未來研究上可以努力的方向。
The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the social responses of May, a 14 years old junior high school student with mental retardation, and the interaction between her prosocial behavior and contextual factors. Observations and interviews were adopted to collect data. Her prosocial behavior achieved her chronological age level in the following four areas: helping, concern, sharing and cooperation. Resource room was an important context for the occurrence of May’s prosocial behavior. Three categories of contextual cues in the resource room were identified to promote May’s prosocial social behavior: (a) environment-related cues, (b) receivers-related cues, and (c) cues related to May’s personal preference. Some of May’s personality traits, such as being friendly, activeness, good-temper, kindness and fondness for her friends, also had a positive impact on her prosocial behavior. Following the occurrence of May’s prosocial behavior, social reactions from the receivers or onlookers were identified and categorized into four groups: expression, acceptability, resistibility, and reinforcement. Praise from the teachers and positive reactions from the peers (e.g. smiling face or other behaviors that showed acceptability) were found to facilitate May’s prosocial behavior. However, prosocial behavior decreased when the teacher corrected May’s mistakes and people refused her prosocial behavior. Suggestions and implications were provided for on-site teachers and future research.



國中資源班, 智能障礙, 利社會行為, 質性研究, Resource Room, Mental Retardation, Prosocial Behavior, Qualitative Study





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