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本研究旨在探討高中排球教練交易領導、轉型領導行為及選手運動動機之情形,以參加99學年度排球聯賽高中女子排球選手為研究對象,以問卷調查法進行普查,回收之有效問卷共計508份,根據所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析及典型相關進行資料處理,研究結果發現: 一、高中女子排球選手知覺的教練領導行為程度高低依序為:「例外管理」、「激勵鼓舞」、「智能啟發」、「個別關懷」、「建立願景」、「魅力影響」、「後效酬賞」。 二、高中女子排球選手之運動動機型態高低依序為:「內在動機」、「認同調節」、「內射調節」、「無動機」、「外在調節」。 三、競賽水準較高的選手比競賽水準較低的選手知覺到較多「後效酬賞」、「建立願景」的教練領導行為,以及較高的「無動機」和「外在動機」認知。 四、競賽水準較低的選手比競賽水準較高的選手在知覺到較多「魅力影響」的教練領導行為,以及較高的「內在動機」認知。 五、訓練次數較多的選手比訓練次數較少者知覺到較多「後效酬賞」的教練領導行為,以及較高的「無動機」和「外在動機」認知。 六、訓練次數較少的選手比訓練次數較少者知覺到較多「魅力影響」、「激勵鼓舞」、「啟發才智」的教練領導行為,以及較高的「內在動機」認知。 七、球齡5年以上的選手比不滿3年的選手知覺到較多「後效酬賞」、「建立願景」的教練領導行為,以及較高的「無動機」、「外在調節」、「內射調節」、「認同調節」以及「內在動機」認知。 八、經典型相關分析後,顯示「個別關懷」領導行為與選手「無動機」有典型相關存在,「例外管理」領導行為與選手「外在調節」動機之間有典型相關存在。
The purpose of this study was to examine the transactional and transformational leadership conduct of a high school volleyball coach and the sport motivation of volleyball players. The subjects of this study were the female high school volleyball players who entered the 2010 High School Volleyball League. The study utilized questionnaires. The data collected from 508 valid questionnaires were then processed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, and canonical correlation analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The coach’s leadership conduct types as perceived by female high school volleyball players, in order of their final scores, were management-by-exception, morale boosting, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, vision building, charisma influence, and contingent reward. 2. The sport motivation types of female high school volleyball players, in order of their final scores, were intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, amotivation, and external regulation. 3. Players at a more competitive level perceived more of contingent reward, vision building in the aspect of a coach’s leadership conduct types, and were inspired more by amotivation and external regulation. 4. Players at a less competitive level perceived more of charisma influence in the aspect of a coach’s leadership conduct types, and were inspired more by intrinsic motivation. 5. Players who received more training perceived more of contingent reward in the aspect of a coach’s leadership conduct types, and were inspired more by amotivation and external regulation. 6. Players who received less training perceived more charisma influence, morale boosting, intellectual stimulation in the aspect of a coach’s leadership conduct types, and were inspired more by intrinsic motivation. 7. Players who had trained more than five years perceived more of contingent reward and vision building in the aspect of a coach’s leadership conduct types, and were inspired more by amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and intrinsic motivation than players who had trained less than three years. 8. After canonical correlation analysis, the study indicated that canonical correlation existed between the two variables of a coach’s individual consideration and a player’s amotivation, and between those of a coach’s management-by-exception and a player’s external regulation.



運動教練領導行為, 自我決定理論, 高中排球聯賽, coach’s leadership conduct, self-determination theory, high school volleyball league





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