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  於2007年上映的電影《練習曲》,片中一句「有些事現在不做,一輩子都不會做了」,更是帶動了臺灣國內的自行車環島旅行熱潮,時至今日,自行車依然為國人所從事重要的休閒活動之一。   本研究以自行車休閒活動、自然經驗以及自然連結相關的文獻回顧,探索及評估此一類型研究之可能性與重要性,透過量化的研究方法,針對臺北市社區大學的自行車社團成員為研究對象。研究者以文獻探討所得之自然關聯性量表,並融合自行車休閒活動涉入量表作為研究工具,藉以探索自行車騎乘社團的休閒活動及自然經驗之間的關係。   研究結果發現,臺北市社區大學自行車社團成員對於自行車的休閒涉入程度很高;自然連結狀況處於中等偏上的程度;自行車休閒涉入與自然連結之間不具有顯著的正向關係。社員們的年齡、是否曾發起自行車騎乘活動、以及部分社團的背景不同,對於其自然連結有顯著差異。年紀較大的社員,其年齡與自然連結程度呈現負相關;而社團是否具有友善環境的特質,則與社員的自然連結具有正相關。不同社大的自行車社團間,其自然關聯性中的自然連結我與自然連結經驗具有顯著差異。   臺灣作為一座海島,高聳的山脊,擁有跨越海陸及緯度藩籬的物種及環境多樣性,在視覺與感官上的變化,更是喜愛自行車騎乘活動的朋友們所欲追求的體驗和慰藉。然而進行休閒活動,難免對環境帶來一定程度的衝擊;同時,與自然接觸的經驗,使我們能夠加深與自然之間的連結,進而開啟了環境教育的諸多可能。
Cylcing is a significant leisure activity for Taiwan residents. As an island, it is marvelous that the environmental diversity of Taiwan should cross ocean, moutains and latitude gap. Since the visual and sensory changes always comforts the cyclers, leisure activities inevitably cause a certain degree of impact on the natual environment. At the same time, the experience of contact with nature enables us to deepen the connection with nature. To clarify the relationship between leisure activities and natural experience, this study will explore the leisure-oriented groups of cyclers who experiencing nature when cycling. A review of literature on bicycle leisure activities, natural experiences, and natural connections was conducted to explore and evaluate the possibility and importance of this type of research. Through quantitative research methods, bicycle community members of the Taipei Community College were studied. The present study propose to combine the Leisure Involvement(LI) scales and Nature Relatedness(NR) scales as research tools. Moreover, we analyze the association between LI and NR of a group of cycling riders, and the influence of cyclers with different backgrounds to NR. The participants of this study is the members of the bicycle clubs from Community Colleges in Taipei City. By conducting a questionnaire survey to investigate the association between LI and NR, participants were directed to complete online or paper questionnaire. All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS 23.0 software by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis to attain the goal of this study. The results reveals as following: 1. The mean of LI scale shows the members of the bicycle clubs from Community Colleges in Taipei City have moderate to high degree of agreement on their leisure involvement. 2. The mean of NR scale shows the members of the bicycle clubs from Community Colleges in Taipei City have moderate to high degree of agreement on their nature relatedness. 3. There is no significant positive association between LI and NR. 4. The members of the bicycle clubs from Community Colleges in Taipei City have significant different on their NR when with different background. 5. There is significant difference on bicycle club members’ NR from different Community Colleges group.



自然經驗, 自然連結, 自然關聯性, 休閒涉入, 社區大學, 自行車社團, Nature Experience, Nature Connectedness, Nature relatedness, Leisure Involvement, Community College, Bicycle clubs





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