Transitional Changes of Labor Migration under Knowledge Based Economies for EU Developed Countries
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Cheng-Ping Shih
Jasmine Lauren Brownm
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On facing the transitional change of developed countries for the last four decades, labor
migration has become a serious issue under knowledge based economies. Human resources
can easily cross the board but cannot transfer from one sector to different sectors without job
training. The transition of structural change has great impact on labor migration and is one of
the most important effects of modernization. The structure of developed countries transformed
from labor intensive to capital intensive economies during the 1970’s to late 1980’s. At this
stage, industrialization aimed at transforming the surplus labor force in order to resolve
disguised unemployment and structural unemployment dilemmas. After the 1990’s, developed
countries invested in Information Technology infrastructure on a large scale and have
therefore experienced the knowledge based economies which caused serious structural
unemployment for two decades. In order to understand the transition probability of labor
migration across sectors, the Markov chain model is applied in this research. One stage and
two stage methods were estimated and the empirical results show that the probability of
laborers staying in the primary industry in highly industrialized countries is lower; secondly, the
probability of workers moving from the primary and secondary sector to the tertiary sector is
generally lower as a result of a low education level in the masses of rural laborers; thirdly, in
the EU, the probability of laborers staying in the tertiary sector is above 98%; lastly, the
Chi-square test shows that labor migration has significant impact on structure change in
European developed countries.