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有鑒於本來是以兒童為主要消費群的繪本市場,近年來也逐漸發展出針對成人閱讀的成人繪本,而成人其心智及思考皆比兒童更加深入,因此繪本圖文深度的開發也顯的刻不容緩。而詩是一種充滿聯想性的創作品,所以,本研究欲探討「詩意」風格應用於成人繪本的可能,且將之應用於自我創作中。 本論文主要研究方向為「繪本」、「詩意」的相關探討與分析。研究初期先對繪本定義、技法和要素等等有概略的了解後,才著手分析繪本中視覺敘述的手法,最後,針對「詩意」在文學上的應用表現進行探討。而第三章中,則探討具有「詩意」風格的相關繪畫作品,再以KJ 法分析出「詩意」繪畫的表現手法。經研究發現,「詩意」繪畫表現有共有四種: 1. 幻想夢境的表現 2. 蒙太奇的拼貼風格 3. 「實」與「虛」的空間 4. 充滿童趣的想像 而根據以上研究的收穫,進行針對成人閱讀的繪本創作-《風的味道》,過程中經歷了文本的構思、草圖的繪製、精稿彩繪至成品的完成,最後根據創作的實驗,提出應用「詩意」風格於繪本中的結論,說明個人在此研究與創作過程中的心得以及可再加以研究的建議方向。
ABSTRACT Main readers of the picture books are children in the origin. In recent years, thepicture books drawn for adult readers appear more and more. Intelligence and thinking of adults are much deeper than children so the development of picture book's depth is of great urgency. The poetry is a creation full of imagination. This thesis is going to investigate the opportunity applying "poetic" style in adult picture books. Also, this method can be used in self works. The subjects of this thesis are the research and analysis of "picture books" and"poetic." The early stage of the research is clear understanding about the definition, the skill and the main element of picture books. After that, the technique of visual narrative is analyzed. The application of "poetic" in the literature is discussed in the last part. In chapter three, this thesis investigates the painting that are "poetic" and analyzes the technique of expression of the "poetic" pictures by K.J. method. According to the study,four types of "poetic" pictures are presented: 1. Representation of fantastic dream 2. Collage style of Montage 3. Space of "Reality" and "Emptiness" 4. Imagination full of Children's Fun According to the result of above study, the author draws a picture book for adult readers, "Perfume of Wind." In the process of creation, the author experiences the design of the story, the painting of sketches and the coloring of the pictures until the book is finished. By this experimental creation, the conclusion of applying "poetic" style in picture books is proposed. Also, the idea of author's investigation and creation and future research directions are mentioned.



詩意, 視覺敘述, 繪本





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