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本研究旨在探討跨性別女性的性別認同與服飾自我展現間的關係。本研究成功邀請4位跨性別女性參與訪談,4位參與者年齡分佈介於23~44歲間,穿女裝跨出時間分別為1年、2年、3年與20年,參與者中有1位完成性別重置手術與賀爾蒙替代療法,1位正在進行賀爾蒙替代療法,2位皆未進行賀爾蒙替代療法。 本研究方法採取深度訪談法,並以紮根理論進行資料分析,以瞭解跨性別女性的性別認同與服飾之間的關聯性,本研究四個主要發現如下: 1.身體感知是跨性別女性啟動其探索性別認同的因素,面對自我身體內外的不一致感,跨性別女性開始探索如何運用服飾讓自己像女性外觀。 2.具備女性化的服飾外觀可以協助跨性別女性更趨近自我期望的女性外觀,同時也是向他者宣告「我是女性」。 3.跨性別女性在初期跨出的服飾外觀嘗試與體驗中,會先模仿社會規範中的女性符號之服飾外觀。 4.在性別實踐過程中,跨性別女性看似追求社會刻板印象中的女性,但實際上跨性別女性是具備獨特性的,對於自我為女性之詮釋有著不同的樣貌。
This study explored the relationship between transwomen’s gender identity and appearance management. Four interviewees’s ages range from 23 to 44 years old, and the time for wearing women's dress in 1, 2, 3 and 20 years respectively. One interviewees completed the sex reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy (HRT), One interviewees has been taking the hormone replacement therapy, and the other two didn't apply the hormone replacement therapy.This study adopted method ofgrounded theory to understand the meaning between transwomen's gender identity and appearance management. The four major findings from this study are as follows: 1.Transwomen start their gender identity with body perception, cause the mind/body problem is transwoman that inconsistent of the self, and begin to explore how to use dress to look like a woman. 2.The feminization appearance of the dress can push transwomen to approach the female appearance of self-expectation, and also declare to others that "I am a woman." 3.In the initial attempt and experience of transwomen's appearances, they will first imitate the appearance of women's symbols in social norms. 4.Transwomen seems that seeking to pursue a gender stereotype of woman, but in reality transwomen are unique, they have different interpretations of self-definition.



跨性別女性, 性別認同, 服飾, 外觀管理, 身體意象, transwoman, gender identity, dress, appearance management, body image





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