台灣教會公報白話字文獻數位典藏計畫, 1885~1969
dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學台灣語文學系 | zh_TW | | 李勤岸 | zh_TW | | 楊允言 | zh_TW | | 2016-01-12T06:54:28Z | | | 2016-01-12T06:54:28Z | | | 2008/03-2010/07 | |
dc.description.abstract | 歷史及文獻,其中建立出最具主體特色者莫過於越南,已以羅馬字成 功建構國家語文。而台灣也因羅馬字的輸入,對台灣母語在戰後的書寫 走向造成重大的影響。 本計劃將邁入第三年度計劃,持續進行「台灣白話字文獻資料館」 之數位典藏工作,建置一具學術及推廣教學性質之資料庫網站,提供各 界使用,作為「台灣研究」一環中較為忽略的「白話字」(台語羅馬字) 文獻研究平台;此資料庫網站得以完整呈現,預計至少三年完成。 《台灣教會公報》自其前身《台南府城教會報》於1885 年創刊以後, 至1969 年改為華文出刊為止,84 年間所累積的以台語白話字所書寫之 史料相當豐富。但目前台灣研究相關學院中能閱讀、研究、分析《台灣 教會公報》系列及其他白話字史料者甚少,我們將史料數位化、翻譯後, 透過網站典藏的工作,以及更多相關學習教育管道,希冀能從本所先培 育出能夠運用此批史料,並從事更多跨領域研究的研究團隊及參與者; 進而影響其他相關系所來學習、運用這些珍貴的史料,甚至是當代的母 語文字(含台語、客語、原住民語)的書寫,讓各領域研究能加以引用。 本計劃將揀選《台灣教會公報》(1895-1969)中之白話字文學作品, 數位化後並建置為「台灣白話字文獻資料館」之典藏網站,以供台灣文 學研究者更加充足而完整的白話字文學相關資料,補足台灣文學之歷史 資量,以利於台灣本土相關研究之發展。也願本計劃的成果累積達到一 定程度,能夠做為一個亞洲級、世界級的白話字文獻數位典藏區。 具體而言,本計劃未來三年(2009-2012)執行目標制定以下五項: 一、持續分類整理《台灣教會公報》典藏資料,並進行基礎性數位化 工作。 二、由本研究團隊分工將基礎性數位化工作後之白話字文獻,加以進 行「漢羅」合用的翻譯對照工作,提供資料庫與網站建置之資料 基礎。 三、公開更多白話字文獻圖片,以豐富本計劃網站之內容。 四、錄製典藏文章之聲音檔,放置網站供人聽學。 五、發展互動式典藏網站,有討論區、RSS 等功能,使網站更具備教 學與交流之功能。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Between the middle period of the Qing Empire to the beginning stage of the ROC reign in Mainland China, the Romanized writing systems had been employed to record historical data and other types of documentary works across eastern Asia, in places such as southern China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Philippines. As a result, not only have Vietnamese shown the most distinctive characteristics with a national orthography of Romanized Vietnamese, but Taiwan also has been critically influenced in Post-war mother-tongue-writing by the early inception of Romanized convention. This project is the 3rd-year sub-project of a series set to build up "Tâi-oân Pe̍h-oē-jī Bûn-hiàn Chu-liāu-koán", which is a part of the National Digital Archive Program. We plan to establish a website as a database for the purposes of academic research and education with public access. The website could also serve as a research platform for pe̍h-oē-jī (Taiwanese Romanized writing), a relatively neglected segment in Taiwan study. We estimate that it would take at least 3 years for the database to be completed and integrated. Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò began its publication as Tâi-oân Hù-siâⁿ Kàu-hoē-pò in 1885. The periodical had cumulated abundant documents in Pe̍h-oē-jī for a period of 84 years until 1969, the year in which it was forced to print in Mandarin Chinese for the following issues. Nowadays in the Taiwan Study related institutes (including departments and schools of Taiwan history, Taiwanese literature, Taiwan cultures in universities), there are few who can read, study and analyze data in Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò and other sources written in Pe̍h-oē-jī. By digitalization, translation, classification of the documents, we hope to train and team up young scholars who are able to make use of said resources for multi-disciplined researches, and jump start other institutes to study and employ these valuable data and even contemporary mother tongue writing works (including Taiwanese, Hakka and aboriginals). The ultimate goal is to increase the citation and quotation of these data in every field of study. Our project will pick out the literary outputs in Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò (1895-1969). The selected are to be translated, digitalized and categorized as materials to construct the database website, "Tâi-oân Pe̍h-oē-jī Bûn-hiàn Chu-liāu-koán", which can then facilitate researchers to access the Pe̍h-oē-jī resources sufficiently and conveniently. We believe the project will mend a missing link and promote the development of Taiwan study. Also we expect the gradually cumulative accomplishment of this archive would one day prove itself to be one of the best Pe̍h-oē-jī database in Asia, and perhaps even worldwide. Specifically speaking, we have laid the following objectives for the third year of our project (2009-2012). a. Classifying the data of Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò and processing the basic digitalizing works. b. Translating the digitalized works into a mixture of Han characters and Romanized alphabetic writing. The original and translated are the fundamental materials for the website and establishment of archive. c. Excavating and publishing more relevant historical photographs to further enrich the content of the website. d. Producing audio service of the digitalized materials to facilitate studying or researching. e. To evolve a more convenient and friendly website with web 2.0 concepts and interactive functions including the forums and RSS etc.Between the middle period of the Qing Empire to the beginning stage of the ROC reign in Mainland China, the Romanized writing systems had been employed to record historical data and other types of documentary works across eastern Asia, in places such as southern China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Philippines. As a result, not only have Vietnamese shown the most distinctive characteristics with a national orthography of Romanized Vietnamese, but Taiwan also has been critically influenced in Post-war mother-tongue-writing by the early inception of Romanized convention. This project is the 3rd-year sub-project of a series set to build up "Tâi-oân Pe̍h-oē-jī Bûn-hiàn Chu-liāu-koán", which is a part of the National Digital Archive Program. We plan to establish a website as a database for the purposes of academic research and education with public access. The website could also serve as a research platform for pe̍h-oē-jī (Taiwanese Romanized writing), a relatively neglected segment in Taiwan study. We estimate that it would take at least 3 years for the database to be completed and integrated. Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò began its publication as Tâi-oân Hù-siâⁿ Kàu-hoē-pò in 1885. The periodical had cumulated abundant documents in Pe̍h-oē-jī for a period of 84 years until 1969, the year in which it was forced to print in Mandarin Chinese for the following issues. Nowadays in the Taiwan Study related institutes (including departments and schools of Taiwan history, Taiwanese literature, Taiwan cultures in universities), there are few who can read, study and analyze data in Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò and other sources written in Pe̍h-oē-jī. By digitalization, translation, classification of the documents, we hope to train and team up young scholars who are able to make use of said resources for multi-disciplined researches, and jump start other institutes to study and employ these valuable data and even contemporary mother tongue writing works (including Taiwanese, Hakka and aboriginals). The ultimate goal is to increase the citation and quotation of these data in every field of study. Our project will pick out the literary outputs in Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò (1895-1969). The selected are to be translated, digitalized and categorized as materials to construct the database website, "Tâi-oân Pe̍h-oē-jī Bûn-hiàn Chu-liāu-koán", which can then facilitate researchers to access the Pe̍h-oē-jī resources sufficiently and conveniently. We believe the project will mend a missing link and promote the development of Taiwan study. Also we expect the gradually cumulative accomplishment of this archive would one day prove itself to be one of the best Pe̍h-oē-jī database in Asia, and perhaps even worldwide. Specifically speaking, we have laid the following objectives for the third year of our project (2009-2012). a. Classifying the data of Tâi-oân Kàu-hoē Kong-pò and processing the basic digitalizing works. b. Translating the digitalized works into a mixture of Han characters and Romanized alphabetic writing. The original and translated are the fundamental materials for the website and establishment of archive. c. Excavating and publishing more relevant historical photographs to further enrich the content of the website. d. Producing audio service of the digitalized materials to facilitate studying or researching. e. To evolve a more convenient and friendly website with web 2.0 concepts and interactive functions including the forums and RSS etc. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_B0602_04_002 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language | zh_TW | |
dc.relation | (國科會專題研究計畫, NSC98-2631-H003-002)。 | zh_TW |
dc.subject.other | 白話字 | zh_TW |
dc.subject.other | 台灣教會公報 | zh_TW |
dc.subject.other | 芥菜子 | zh_TW |
dc.subject.other | 白話字文學 | zh_TW |
dc.subject.other | 台語文學 | zh_TW |
dc.subject.other | Pe?h-o?-j? | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Tai-oan Kau-ho? Kong-po | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Koa-chhai-chi | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Pe?h-o?-j? literature | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Taiwanese literature | en_US |
dc.title | 台灣教會公報白話字文獻數位典藏計畫, 1885~1969 | zh_TW |
dc.title | Digital Archives Program for Taiwanese Romanized Writings in Taiwan Church Press, 1885~1969 | en_US |