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本研究的主要目的在探討少棒球員經打擊訓練後,棒球打擊動作對打擊能力的影響。本研究是以7位花蓮縣富源國民小學少棒球員為受試對象(平均年齡為10.57±1.27歲,身高為140.79±6.87公分,體重為35.29±5.31公斤,球齡3.71±2.14月),經過三階段的打擊訓 練輔助器的打擊訓練後,以高速攝影機進行前測與後測拍攝,再以peak performance動作分析系統,觀察各關節的角度變化與打擊能力的情形,經統計處理後之結果如下: 一、 棒球打擊率經過輔助器訓練後,打擊率顯著提昇,總平均74.59%±21.64。 二、 經過三次實驗打擊落點聚集性,中間至中外野的落點聚集性高於其餘位置。    肘、腕關節的角度經三次實驗達顯著差異(P<.05);而膝部關節角度經三次實驗結果無顯著差異。    經三次實驗,各關節點之角速度無顯著差異(P>.05)。    經三次實驗,球棒角速度的變化達顯著差異(P<.05)。 本研究結果顯示,此研究設計對上肢角度變化與打擊率有相關性,與下肢角度變化較無顯著性;以打擊率為預測效標結果顯示,前腳膝部角度、前手肘角度、重心線加速度與球棒角速度有顯著性,其方程式為Ý=0.024*(X8)+0.172*(X7)-0.133*(X4)+0.198 (X1)+46.944 。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to probe into the effect on junior baseball players’ hitting baseball of movement and ability after they have trained. The subjects for this study were 7 junior male players studying in Fu-yuan elementary school in Hualien (ege 10.57±1.27yrs;eight 140.79±6.87cm ;weight 35.29±5.31kg).By using the highly speed camera and peak performance movement analysis system, after they have had three stages of hitting training through the hitting auxiliary facilities,it observes the angular variation in every joint with players’ hitting ability. The statistics results are as follows:    The significant differences in baseball hitting percent increased.(51. 41%<78.09%<94.27%,p<0.05).    The significant differences is the gathering that center to center filed is higher then other gathering(11.25point) .    The significant differences is up to big deviation in players’ fore- elbow and hind-elbow(p<0.05);however,there is no significant differnce to angle deviation in players’ fore-knee and hind-knee.    There is no significant difference in players’ elbow, knee, wrist and bat angular velocity.    The singnificant differences is up to significant difference in the bat linear acceleration(p<0.05). The conclusions of this study appear to the relationship between the players’ elbow, wrist and hitting percent in the designing of research, while there is no significant difference in the knee deviation. To use as the hitting percent, the predictable result appears the significant differences between in players’ fore-knee angle, center gravity linear acceleration and bat angular velocity. The equation is Ý=0.024*(X8)+ 0.172*(X7)-0.133*(X4)+0. 198*(X1)+46.944 .



少棒, 棒球, 棒球打擊動作, 棒球打擊動學, baseball, junior baseball, baseball hitting movement, baseball hitting kinematics





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