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十二年國教課綱及探究與實作的理念均強調必須在真實情境下操作課程,該課程多是在實驗室或科學教室進行之科學活動,而永續校園議題卻是真實的議題且行之有年,但卻鮮少有人以此搭配探究與實作進行教學。因此,本研究以設計本位研究法(Design-Based Research)嘗試設計以永續校園議題為主題的探究與實作課程,探討該類型的課程架構為何,並在試行後再進行檢討與修正。 本研究搭配教育部永續校園計畫,在新竹縣中正國中自然探索社,以設計本位研究法之發現、整合、分析、設計、發展、應用、評鑑、結果八階段設計與進行課程,藉由循環的過程進行檢核與再設計,並以「半結構訪談」、「文本分析」與「參與式觀察」等方式蒐集質性資料,探討學生在課程中的能力表現。 整合研究結果與討論後,歸納出研究結論有五項: 一、應用設計本位研究法有助於發展永續校園的探究與實作課程。 二、永續校園的探究與實作課程能夠增進學生多樣的學習歷程。 三、永續校園的探究與實作課程能夠有效引起學生學習動機,並增進多樣能力,且有助於提升環境的關懷及行為意圖。 四、永續校園的探究與實作課程之教學設計與一般課程較為不同,在議題選擇、課程形式、分組方式及評量方式等方面,本研究提出更新的版本。 最後,本研究根據研究結果與結論,提出相關建議,供未來發展相關課程之研究者參考。
The concept of Inquiry and Practice of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education emphasizes to operate the course in a real situation. The course is mostly a scientific activity carried out in a laboratory or science classroom. Sustainable Campus Issues are real issues in a real situation. It has been a few years, but few people have used this to Inquiry and Practice teaching. Therefore, the study uses Design-Based Research, attempts to design an Inquiry and Practice course with the theme of Sustainable Campus Issues. To discuss what the structure of the course is, and revise it after trial implementation. The study cooperated with The Ministry of Education's Sustainable Campus Program, designed and conducted course in eight stages of Design-Based Research at student club. Check and redesign through a cyclical process of eight stages, which includes discover, integrate, analyze, design, develop, apply, evaluate, and result. And collect the qualitative data of “Semi-structured Interview”, “Text Analysis” and “Participatory Observation” to discuss students' performance in the course. After integrating the research results and discussions, there are five conclusions: 1. Applied Design-Based Research helps developing Inquiry and Practice course of Sustainable Campus. 2. Inquiry and Practice course of Sustainable Campus can increase students' diverse learning process. 3. Inquiry and Practice course of Sustainable Campus can effectively arouse students' motivation to learn, enhance diverse abilities, and help to improve environmental cares and behavioral intentions.. 4. The teaching design of Inquiry and Practice course of Sustainable Campus is different from the general courses, the study proposes an updated version about the selection of issues, instructional modes, groupings and evaluation methods. Finally, based on the research results and conclusions, this study puts forward relevant suggestions for the reference of researchers who develop related courses in the future.



探究與實作, 永續校園, 設計本位研究法, Inquiry and Practice, Sustainable Campus, Design-Based Research





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