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閱讀是一切學習的基礎,是我們獲取知識的管道,也是讓我們融入社會的途徑之一。近年來,臺灣政府推行不少閱讀相關的教育政策,就是希望能讓孩子從小就養成閱讀的習慣。對於大多數學習障礙的學童而言,閱讀可能是一大負擔,而資源班教師的角色就相對更為重要。很多學習障礙的學童因為閱讀能力的不足,所以無法主動進行閱讀,有時候被動地要求要閱讀,卻因文本不適合導致沒有好的結果。 本研究利用適性閱讀的方式,提供學習障礙學童合適的文本,藉由朗誦、閱讀文本,提升閱讀流暢度以及閱讀理解能力。本研究使用行動研究,由研究者設計教學流程、選擇合適的文本、教學實施一直到最後的資料分析。研究主要的目的為提升學習障礙學童的閱讀能力,及如何選擇適合的文本進行閱讀,最後能增強其閱讀動機以主動閱讀。 研究結果指出: 一、適性閱讀教學活動對於學習障礙學生的閱讀流暢度普遍有進步,經過多次練習唸讀,可以提升閱讀的速度。 二、適性閱讀教學活動會讓學習障礙學生有較多的思考,表現在閱讀理解能力,經由與教學者的問答過程,能對文本的理解更深入。 三、實施適性閱讀教學活動對於學習障礙學生的閱讀興趣有正面影響,研究對象普遍表示願意繼續進行這樣的教學活動。 基於以上研究發現,研究者提出建議與結論,以供教師、家長及未來研究者之參考。
Reading is the foundation of learning, the way to get knowledge, and one of the ways we can blend in our society. In recently, the Taiwanese government has implemented a number of reading-related policies, which is to encourage children to develop reading habits from an early age. For most students with learning disabilities, reading may be a big problem. And the role of the resource classroom’s teacher is more important. Many learning disabilities children can’t read easily because of lacking of reading ability. Sometimes they are passively required to read, but there is no good result because the books are not quite suitable for them. This study uses some reading methods to provide appropriate books for students with learning disabilities, and improve their reading fluency and reading comprehension ability. This study is an action research. The researcher plans the teaching process, selects the appropriate books for learning disabilities students, do the teaching personally and analyzes the research data. The main purpose of the study is to improve the reading ability of students with learning disabilities, teach them how to choose the appropriate books for reading, and enhance their reading motivation to read actively. After the above data analysis and discussion, the study has reached the following conclusions: 1. Readability generally improves the reading fluency of students with learning disabilities. After repeated practice and reading, the reading fluency can be improved. 2. Readability will make students with learning disabilities have more thinking, which is manifested in reading comprehension ability. Through answering questions from the teacher, they can have a deeper understanding of the book. 3. The implementation of readability has a positive impact on the reading interest of students with learning disabilities. Students generally expressed their willingness to continue such teaching activities. Based on the above findings, the researchers made recommedations and conclusions for the reference of teachers, parents and future researchers.



適性閱讀, 學習障礙, 閱讀能力, Readability, Learning Disabilities, Reading Ability





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