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前言:速度依循訓練 (velocity based training, VBT) 是在阻力運動中監控動作速度的一種訓練方法,透過監控速度可以用來確認強度與疲勞程度,以達到更好的訓練成效。使用VBT是否更有效地誘發活化後增能作用 (post-activation potentiation, PAP) 以增進隨後的爆發力表現,目前仍須進一步探討。目的:探討VBT之高強度阻力運動在不同速度流失 (velocity loss, VL) 下誘發PAP,對下蹲跳 (countermovement jump, CMJ) 表現的影響。方法:12位具有2年以上規律阻力訓練經驗且半蹲舉 (half squat, HS) 1RM大於1.75倍自身體重之男性受試者,執行3組90%1RM之HS,以平衡次序法進行2種不同VL之處理:10%VL或20%VL,動作VL一旦超過設定VL即停止該組反覆。在HS之前與休息後的第7分鐘進行下蹲跳 (countermovement jump, CMJ),使用測力板收取垂直對地反作用力,再計算出跳躍高度、峰值速度、向心平均速度、離心平均加速度、離心峰值加速度、向心平均加速度、向心峰值加速度、峰值力量、離心平均力量、向心平均力量、峰值功率、向心平均功率、離心平均發力率、離心衝量、向心衝量、離心時間、向心時間、起跳總時間。統計:將所蒐集到之數據進行重複量數二因子變異數 (two-way repeated-measured ANOVA),考驗測驗時間與實驗處理的差異,顯著水準定為α = .05。結果:CMJ各項表現在不同測驗時間之間與不同實驗處理之間均未達顯著差異。結論:使用3組90%1RM之HS並控制10%或20%VL之處理均無法有效增進休息7分鐘後的CMJ表現。
Introduction: Velocity-based training (VBT) is a training method for monitoring movement velocity during resistance exercise, and monitoring velocity can confirm the intensity and fatigue level to improve training. Whether VBT induces post-activation potentiation (PAP) more effectively to enhance subsequent explosive performance remains further studied. Purpose: To investigate the effect of PAP induced by high-intensity resistance exercise utilizing the VBT method with different velocity loss (VL) on countermovement jump (CMJ). Methods: Twelve men with more than 2 years of regular resistance training experience and half-squat (HS) 1RM ≥ 1.75 bodyweight completed 3 sets of HS at 90% 1RM with different VL allowed in each set: 10% (10%VL) or 20% (20%VL). The trials were randomized and counterbalanced. CMJ was performed before and 7 minutes after the 3 sets of HS. Force plates were used to collect vertical ground reaction force, and then calculate jump height, peak velocity, concentric mean velocity, eccentric mean acceleration, eccentric peak acceleration, concentric mean acceleration, concentric peak acceleration, peak force, eccentric mean force, concentric mean force, peak power, concentric mean power, eccentric mean rate of force development, eccentric impulse, concentric impulse, eccentric time, concentric time, and total time to takeoff. Two-way repeated-measured ANOVA was used to statistic and the significance level was set to α = .05. Results: There were no significant differences in the performance of CMJ between different test times and between different experimental treatments. Conclusion: 3 sets of HS at 90% 1RM controling 10% or 20% VL and 7 minutes of rest were unable to improve CMJ performance.
Introduction: Velocity-based training (VBT) is a training method for monitoring movement velocity during resistance exercise, and monitoring velocity can confirm the intensity and fatigue level to improve training. Whether VBT induces post-activation potentiation (PAP) more effectively to enhance subsequent explosive performance remains further studied. Purpose: To investigate the effect of PAP induced by high-intensity resistance exercise utilizing the VBT method with different velocity loss (VL) on countermovement jump (CMJ). Methods: Twelve men with more than 2 years of regular resistance training experience and half-squat (HS) 1RM ≥ 1.75 bodyweight completed 3 sets of HS at 90% 1RM with different VL allowed in each set: 10% (10%VL) or 20% (20%VL). The trials were randomized and counterbalanced. CMJ was performed before and 7 minutes after the 3 sets of HS. Force plates were used to collect vertical ground reaction force, and then calculate jump height, peak velocity, concentric mean velocity, eccentric mean acceleration, eccentric peak acceleration, concentric mean acceleration, concentric peak acceleration, peak force, eccentric mean force, concentric mean force, peak power, concentric mean power, eccentric mean rate of force development, eccentric impulse, concentric impulse, eccentric time, concentric time, and total time to takeoff. Two-way repeated-measured ANOVA was used to statistic and the significance level was set to α = .05. Results: There were no significant differences in the performance of CMJ between different test times and between different experimental treatments. Conclusion: 3 sets of HS at 90% 1RM controling 10% or 20% VL and 7 minutes of rest were unable to improve CMJ performance.
活化後增能作用, 爆發力表現, 槓鈴速度, 半蹲舉, post-activaion potentiation, explosive performance, barbell velocity, half-squat