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本研究目的在探討概念導向閱讀教學(CORI)導入國中小學閱讀課程,對學生閱讀投入的影響。藉由營造CORI閱讀教學與現行閱讀教學,來對照兩種閱讀教學對學生閱讀投入的影響差異。 本研究以183名,來自四所學校八個班級的國小四年級、六年級、國中八年級與九年級生為研究對象,其中四個班級為控制組,施行現行閱讀教學,共87位學生,44位國小生(四年級、六年級),43位國中生(八年級、九年級);另外四個班級為實驗組,施行CORI閱讀教學,共96位學生,48位國小生(四年級、六年級),48位國中生(八年級、九年級)。以準實驗研究法的不等組前後測設計進行研究,運用多變量共變數分析(MANCOVA)驗證在CORI閱讀教學介入後對學生的閱讀動機、閱讀行為與閱讀策略運用之影響。 根據研究分析結果,得到結論發現:國小實驗組與控制組(四年級、六年級),CORI閱讀教學介入後,兩組國小生在閱讀投入的閱讀動機、閱讀行為、閱讀策略運用均無顯著差異;國中實驗組與控制組(八年級、九年級),CORI閱讀教學介入後,國中實驗組在閱讀投入的閱讀動機整體構面、正向閱讀動機,以及自我效能均顯著優於國中控制組,然而在閱讀行為與閱讀策略運用,兩組國中生未具顯著差異。 根據研究結果,提出建議:(一) 獨立開設閱讀課程,並常態設立於各年級正規課程中,讓學生有足夠的時間閱讀,學習及運用不同的閱讀策略、進行不同學科的專題探索;(二) 結合資訊素養於學科教學中,希望藉此培育不同學科背景的閱讀教師、厚植學生多元學科的背景知識,並且促使學生運用資訊素養來擴展學科學習的廣度與深度。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of students’ reading motivation, reading behavior, and reading strategy use between two contexts. Employing data from 183 fourth, sixth, eighth, and ninth graders in four schools. Following quasi-experimental method, four classes, 87 students participated in present instruction , 44 fourth and sixth graders, 43 eighth and ninth graders. And four classes, 96 students received Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction(CORI), 48 fourth and sixth graders, 48 eighth and ninth graders. Reading Engagement Measure was used as instrument to collect data. MANCOVA was used to analyze the data. According to the data analysis, the results indicated that: Comparison of students, fourth and sixth graders, in elementary schools, experiencing CORI and present instruction, there were no significant differences in reading motivation, reading behavior, and reading strategy use. Students, eighth and ninth graders, in middle schools, experiencing CORI were significantly higher than present instruction students in reading motivation, positive reading motivation and self-efficacy. As to reading behavior, and reading strategy use, there were no significant differences between them. According to the results, the suggestions: 1.Establishing reading course alone and normally in all grades to provide students enough time to read and practice strategies in multi-subject reading. 2.Integrating information literacy into academic subjects teaching to cultivate reading teachers and enrich students with multi-subject background knowledge. Simultaneously making students to use information literacy to expand and go deep into academic subjects learning.



概念導向閱讀教學, CORI, 閱讀投入, 閱讀動機, 閱讀行為, 閱讀策略, Concept-oriented reading instruction, CORI, reading engagement, reading motivation, reading behavior, reading strategy





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