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為達上述目的,本研究以大台北地區兼任行政教師為研究母群體,於99年4月以分層叢集取樣方式,抽取516位樣本,並以「大台北地區公立中等學校兼任行政教師休閒參與調查問卷」為研究工具進行問卷調查。有效問卷共計473份,有效回收率91.7%。所得資料以SPSS18.0 for Windows 進行描述統計、單因子變異數及階層多元迴歸分析。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the leisure participation, leisure constraints and leisure facilitators of the administrative teachers in Taipei metropolitan area. In addition, this study also examined the relationship of background characteristics, factors of leisure constraint and facilitator, and leisure participation among these administrative teachers. For the abovementioned purposes, the study used a cross-sectional research design. Cluster sampling was used to obtain the desired sample. 516 administrative teachers of the public high schools in Taipei metropolitan area were selected. The data were collected using “The Leisure Participation Questionnaire of High School Administrative Teachers in Taipei Metropolitan Area.” A total of 473 valid responses were achieved. The valid response rate was 91.7%. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The major findings are listed as followings: 1. The administrative teachers have a medium level (between “sometimes participate” and “seldom participate”) of participation in the following five type of leisure activities and they are listed in sequence: “Relaxing”, “Knowledge and Art”, “Social Activity and Entertainment”, “Outdoor Sport”, and “Personal Hobby”. Compare to factors of leisure constraints, leisure facilitators have a larger impact on these administrative teachers’ participation in leisure activities. 2. In terms of leisure participation, female administrative teachers participate more frequently than their male counterparts do in “Knowledge and Art” activities. In “Personal Hobby” activities, administrative teachers with 11- to 15- year teaching experience participate more frequently than those with less teaching experience. Junior high school administrative teachers also participate more frequently than senior high school and complete high school administrative teachers do. In “Outdoor Sport” and “Social Entertainment” activities, junior high school administrative teachers’ frequency of participation is significantly higher than that of complete high school administrative teachers’. 3. In hierarchical multiple regression analyses, background characteristics of the administrative teachers and factors of leisure facilitator were significant in predicting the administrative teachers’ participation in all leisure activities Based on the results, suggestions for educational authority, leisure industry, administrative teachers, and future researchers were proposed.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the leisure participation, leisure constraints and leisure facilitators of the administrative teachers in Taipei metropolitan area. In addition, this study also examined the relationship of background characteristics, factors of leisure constraint and facilitator, and leisure participation among these administrative teachers. For the abovementioned purposes, the study used a cross-sectional research design. Cluster sampling was used to obtain the desired sample. 516 administrative teachers of the public high schools in Taipei metropolitan area were selected. The data were collected using “The Leisure Participation Questionnaire of High School Administrative Teachers in Taipei Metropolitan Area.” A total of 473 valid responses were achieved. The valid response rate was 91.7%. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The major findings are listed as followings: 1. The administrative teachers have a medium level (between “sometimes participate” and “seldom participate”) of participation in the following five type of leisure activities and they are listed in sequence: “Relaxing”, “Knowledge and Art”, “Social Activity and Entertainment”, “Outdoor Sport”, and “Personal Hobby”. Compare to factors of leisure constraints, leisure facilitators have a larger impact on these administrative teachers’ participation in leisure activities. 2. In terms of leisure participation, female administrative teachers participate more frequently than their male counterparts do in “Knowledge and Art” activities. In “Personal Hobby” activities, administrative teachers with 11- to 15- year teaching experience participate more frequently than those with less teaching experience. Junior high school administrative teachers also participate more frequently than senior high school and complete high school administrative teachers do. In “Outdoor Sport” and “Social Entertainment” activities, junior high school administrative teachers’ frequency of participation is significantly higher than that of complete high school administrative teachers’. 3. In hierarchical multiple regression analyses, background characteristics of the administrative teachers and factors of leisure facilitator were significant in predicting the administrative teachers’ participation in all leisure activities Based on the results, suggestions for educational authority, leisure industry, administrative teachers, and future researchers were proposed.
中等學校, 兼任行政教師, 休閒參與, 休閒阻礙, 休閒促進, high school, administrative teachers, leisure participation, leisure constraint, leisure facilitator