
dc.contributorChang, Chia-Jungen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Hsin-Ien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究宗旨探討,2023~2025全台將有24座新的百貨商場,再加上電商、團購等多元化購物方式崛起零售市場競爭激烈,在競爭者眾的狀況下,實體通路為主的百貨公司,應該如何因應。百貨公司存在的價值從供應商(進駐品牌)角度:除了地點、設櫃條件外,百貨公司的會員數與主力顧客是否為品牌的目標客群也是評估進駐的重要因素。從顧客角度來看,顧客選擇在這家百貨公司購物,除了有需求的商品,也會評估購物方便性、服務、促銷折扣與活動。隨著越來越多競爭者瓜分市場,經營主顧客與會員是百貨公司行銷重要的議題之一。綜觀零售市場經營主顧客的百貨屹立不搖,沒有經營主顧客的百貨品牌在這波浪潮中很快被市場淘汰。隨著社會文化的進步,當消費者對百貨公司的需求從購物為目的一站式購足,進化為兼具休閒、娛樂、教育的一站式滿足。為了抓住顧客的心,透過體驗行銷活動滿足顧客購物以外的心理需求,因此各大百貨公司或品牌也舉辦很多不同的體驗行銷活動,而體驗活動做就對了嗎?越多越好嗎?有創造價值嗎?本研究探討,體驗行銷活動對顧客忠誠度的影響,與不同體驗行銷活動類型對不同客群的影響。 本研究以量化及質化分析資料合併方法研究,從量化數據分析體驗行銷活動與顧客忠誠度的趨勢,但尚無法深入瞭解體驗行銷活動的顧客知覺與不同活動對不同顧客的影響,故以深度訪談質化分析補足缺口,質化量化合併研究方法交叉比對以提高本研究的信效度。本研究發現:1.好的體驗行銷活動與顧客忠誠度有正相關,能有效提升顧客知覺價值與顧客滿意度,增強顧客關係管理並提高顧客忠誠度,顧客成為鐵粉後主動對外傳播推薦親友,創造顧客終生價值。2.持續舉辦體驗活動,顧客覺得被重視,但過多或不適合的活動會造成反效果。3.透過體驗活動,百貨公司提供平台串連品牌與顧客且提供百貨會員多元化體驗;顧客參加獲得新知減少消費前的收集成本;品牌精準觸及目標顧客有效將資源投放在對的顧客,顧客親身體驗增強顧客知覺價值,達到消費者、品牌與百貨公司三贏。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the competitive dynamics of department store under the intensifying industry pressure and increasing channels. There will be 24 new department stores in Taiwan from 2023 to 2025. Coupled with the rise of diversified shopping channels such as e-commerce and group buying, the competition in the retail market becomes more fierce than ever. From the perspective of suppliers (brands that enter the store), the value of the department stores lie in its prime location and contract terms. In addition, the number of members of department store’s loyalty programs and its customer base are also important factors in considering department store as a sales channel. For the customers, the products offered, location convenience, services, promotional discounts and shopping experience are among the factors considered. As more competitors carve up the market and seek to attract customers, membership management is one of the most important thing for the success of department stores. Looking at the industry, department store that that forms relationship with their customers remain winners, while others that cannot connect with the customers are quickly eliminated by the competitive dynamics.As society develops, department stores not only has to provide customers with the products they wanted, but also satisfied their leisure, entertainment, and education needs. In order to attract customers, department stores now hold many different immersive marketing activities that seek to engage with customers and give them a better experience. That being said, is simply doing these immersive marketing activities enough? Do more activities translate into better sales? Does it create actual value? This study explores the impact of immersive marketing activities on customer loyalty and their relative impacts on different types of customers.This study uses both quantitative and qualitative analysis to analyze the impact of immersive marketing activities. In the study, a combined research methods of qualitative interviews and quantitative data analysis were cross-compared to improve reliability and validity on the conclusion. This study found that: 1. Good immersive marketing activities are positively correlated with customer loyalty, which can effectively improve customer’s perceived value and customer satisfaction. After customers become loyal buyers, they would actively spread the word and recommend the experience to relatives and friends, creating customer lifetime value. 2. Holding numerous immersive marketing activities would make customers feel valued, but too many activities or inappropriately implemented would give counterproductive effects. 3. Through immersive activities, department stores provide a platform to connect brands with customers and provide unique experience for department store members. When customers actively participate in the experience, department stores reduce its customers acquisition cost and brands can more accurately reach target customers. With the immersive marketing experience, it strengthens customers' perceived value and achieves a triple-win situation for consumers, brands, and the department stores.en_US
dc.subjectExperiential Marketingen_US
dc.subjectCustomer Perceived Valueen_US
dc.subjectCustomer Loyaltyen_US
dc.titleIs it right to do it? Exploring the impact of experiential marketing activities on customer loyaltyen_US

