
dc.contributorCheng Chi-fuen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin li-gangen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討2011年臺北地區桌球積分賽賽會服務品質與賽會價值對滿意度之影響關係。以2011年3月至5月期間以參與臺北地區桌球積分賽之參賽者為對象,透過問卷調查法發放450份,回收有效樣本388份,以瞭解臺北地區桌球積分賽參與者在賽會服務品質、賽會價值與滿意度之知覺現況,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式進行分析,研究發現如下: 一、2011年臺北地區桌球積分賽參與者在身份背景中以男性、21~30歲、學歷在大專院校、曾參加過學校代表隊、參與積分賽次數達十次以上、參加目的為增加比賽經驗、收入在10,000元以下為多數,顯示參與積分賽族群多為男性學生忠實參賽者,且過去都有參與代表隊經驗。 二、2011年臺北地區桌球積分賽參與者在賽會服務品質與賽會價值之知覺評價介於「同意/非常同意」,屬中上之程度,顯示整體積分賽舉辦已有一定品質水準,而在滿意度部分介於「普通/滿意」之間,屬中等以上之程度,顯示仍然有進步提升空間。 三、不同人口背景變項之年齡、學歷、最高運動成就、職業、參賽主要目的以及每月收入會影響參與者之賽會服務品質。 四、不同人口背景變項之年齡、學歷、最高運動成就、職業、參賽主要目的以及每月收入會影響參與者之賽會知覺價值。 五、不同人口背景變項之年齡、學歷與最高運動成就會影響參與者賽會滿意度。 六、2011年臺北地區桌球積分賽參與者賽會服務品質、知覺價值對滿意度具解釋力。 依據上述結論,建議未來相關單位在舉辦桌球積分賽時,可以透過各舉辦單位合辦模式,來擴大積分賽規模,增加不同類型積分賽或獎金賽,提高賽會參與價值性;而在環境設施應提升專業與舒適性,做系統性規劃與執行,並透過多元行銷手法,將使積分賽更加蓬勃發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to examine the relations between the perceived service quality, value and satisfaction in respect of 2011 Taipei Rating System Table Tennis Tournament. In this study, a survey was conducted among players participating in Taipei Rating System Table Tennis Tournament held between March and May 2011 to understand players’ perceived service quality and value of as well as their satisfaction with the tournament. Totally, 450 questionnaires were distributed and 388 valid samples were collected. Descriptive statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used for data analysis. The analysis results are as follows: 1. Players taking part in 2011 Taipei Rating System Table Tennis Tournament were mostly male, aged between 21 and 30, with college degree or above and a monthly salary below NT10,000. Most of them were once on school table tennis teams and had participated in rating system matches over ten times. The purpose of their participating in the tournament was to increase their competition experience. This indicated that the participants of the tournament were mostly male students who were once on school teams and had the experience of representing their schools in similar competitions. 2. The survey showed that players’ perceptions about the event’s service quality and value were between “Agree” and “Very Agree”, a score above average, which suggested that the overall quality of the sports event was high. In terms of satisfaction, the scores were also above average, between “Fair” and “Satisfactory”, which indicated that there remained room for improvement. 3. Demographic variables such as players’ age, educational level, highest sports achievement, occupation, purpose of participation and monthly salary could affect their perception of the event’s service quality. 4. Demographic variables such as players’ age, educational level, highest sports achievement, occupation, purpose of participation and monthly salary could affect their perception of event value. 5. Demographic variables such as age, educational level and highest sports achievement could affect players’ satisfaction with the sports event. 6. Players’ perceived service quality and value of 2011 Taipei Rating System Table Tennis Tournament could affect their satisfaction with the sports event. Based on the above results, this study came up with the following suggestions for the authorities concerned in their organizing the table tennis tournament. First, the scale of the tournament should be expanded through cooperation between different organizing units and the addition of different type rating system matches or prize tournaments to increase the value of event participation. Second, the professionalism and comfortability of tournament environment and facilities should be upgraded, the event should be planned and executed in a more systematic manner and multiple marketing approaches should be adopted to make point-accumulation tournament more popular.en_US
dc.subjecttable tennisen_US
dc.subjectrating systemen_US
dc.subjectsports event’s service qualityen_US
dc.subjectperceived valueen_US
dc.titleA Study on players' Perceived Service Quality and Value of as well as Satisfaction with Taipei Rating System Table Tennis Tournamenten_US

