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本研究為橫斷性研究設計,以電話訪談調查北、中、南、東部及離島之20至64歲人口,依比例進行分層隨機抽樣,抽得1,065份有效樣本,以瞭解:(一)目前臺灣成年人以「步行或騎自行車」為交通方式的比率,(二)臺灣成年人以「步行或騎自行車」為交通方式的社會人口統計變項,(三)認知環境與「步行或騎自行車」為交通方式的關係。資料以SPSS for Window 22.0統計軟體進行描述性和推論性統計分析,其中以邏輯斯迴歸模式探討各變項與「步行或騎自行車」為交通方式間的關係。結果如下: 一、 每周都沒有步行、每周步行時間1-149分鐘、每周步行時間超過150分鐘以上的臺灣成年人,分別佔62.7%、23.7%、13.7%。每周完全沒有騎自行車、每周騎自行車超過1分鐘的臺灣成年人,分別佔89.1%、10.9%。 二、 年齡40-49與60-64歲者、居住於五都者、工作狀態為家管、退休、無業、學生、BMI過輕者,越有動機從事以步行為交通方式。 三、 年齡50-59、60-64歲者、BMI過輕者、已婚者,越有動機從事以騎自行車為交通方式。 四、 大眾運輸易達性越高、人行道設置越充足、道路連結性越高、目的地越充足、騎自行車的交通越安全,越能促使成年人從事以步行為交通方式。 五、 自行車道設置越充足、周遭景觀越佳、道路連結性越高,越能促使成年人從事以騎自行車為交通方式。
The purpose of the study is to investigate the association of perceived environmental factors and walking or cycling for transportation in adults. One thousand and sixty-five Taiwanese adults of age 20-64 completed a questionnaire in 2014. Logistic regression models were performed. The results were as follows. 1. About 62.7% of the adults had never walked for transportation in a week, another 23.7% of the adults had walked for transportation 1-149 minutes in a week, the other 13.7% of the adults had walked for transportation at least 150 minutes in a week. About 89.1% of the adults had never cycled for transportation in a week, the other 10.9% of the adults had cycled for transportation at least 1 minute in a week. 2. The people who were 40-49 years and 60-64 years, houseworkers, retirees, unemployed, students, low BMI, and lived in metropolitan areas, were more likely to walk for transportation. 3. The people who were 50-59 and 60-64 years, low BMI, and married, were more likely to cycle for transportation. 4. The perceived environmental factors including access to public transport, presence of sidewalks, connectivity of streets, presence of destination identified as being positively were associated with walking for transportation. 5. The perceived environmental factors including presence of bike lanes, aesthetics, connectivity of streets identified as being positively were associated with cycling for transportation included.



步行, 騎自行車, 動態交通行為, 認知環境, walking, cycling, active transportation, perceived environment





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