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多校區大專校院的形成方式各異,有的是高等教育結構調整的結果,有的是學校發展過程中自然形成的,而絕大部分都是校區地理位置分散的多校區大專校院。為因應各校區師生教學和研究的需求,各校區也隨之增設圖書館,而變成多校區圖書館現象。由於多校區大專校院對各校區投入資源與土地開發之程度都可能直接或間接影響多校區圖書館的空間、人力與館藏等規模發展,甚至影響多校區圖書館提供的服務與品質。 本研究以問卷調查淡江大學、中國科技大學、台北海洋技術學院及耕莘健康管理專科學校等四所多校區大專校院學生,並以國外大學普遍採用LibQUAL+™量表為基礎,了解學生使用圖書館的現況與對圖書館服務品質之看法。本研究共發放446份問卷,回收有效問卷382份,有效回收率85.7%,利用SPSS 22.0進行問卷統計。 根據研究結果所獲得結論為,(一)學生使用圖書館的主要目的以自修為主,到訪學校其他校區圖書館則是以借閱休閒性書刊、視聽資料為主;(二)學生最常使用圖書館的服務項目為借閱圖書;(三)學生到訪圖書館的頻率以每週一次以上比例為多數;(四)學生最重視與最滿意的構面為圖書館實體環境;相反地,學生最不重視與最不滿意的構面為服務; (五)學生對服務品質重視度與滿意度之構面差距最大的為服務,項目差距最大的為館員會主動關心我;(六)圖書館亟待改善的服務項目為紙本雜誌能滿足需求。
The formation of the multi-campus university is different. Some are the results of the adjustment of higher education structure; others are naturally formed through the process of school development. Nevertheless, most of the multi-campus universities are formed because the locations of their campuses are geographically scattered. In response to the needs of teachers and students in teaching and research, libraries are added in those campuses and thus develop a multi-campus library phenomenon. As a result, the growth of resources and land expansion in those areas may directly or indirectly affect the development of space and manpower as well as service and quality provided by multi-campus libraries. The research targets were the students in Tamkang University, China University of Technology, Taipei College of Maritime Technology, and Cardinal Tien Junior College of Healthcare and Management. To collect data, the applied questionnaire was based on the LibQUAL+™ scale which was universal introduced. The purpose was to understand the students’ opinions about their states of using libraries and the quality of library service. The research collected responses from 446 students visiting the libraries, with 382 valid responses (85.7%). The questionnaire statistics was undergone by means of SPSS 22.0. Major findings of the study are as follows: 1)The main purpose for students to use the university library is to self-study while they visit other campus’ library is to borrow books, magazines and audiovisual materials for leisure; 2) Borrowing books is the most frequently used among library services; 3) The frequency for students to visit the university libraries more than once a week is in the majority; 4) The most valuable and satisfying aspect of the service quality for students is the physical environments;and the least valuable and satisfying aspect is the service of librarians; 5) Students express value and satisfaction in the service quality of library, while the service aspect shows least satisfaction; while the service item of “the librarians care about me actively” shows least satisfaction. 6) The service items most urgent to improve is the paper journal collections in order to meet students’ needs.



多校區, 多校區大專校院, 圖書館, 服務品質, LibQUAL+™, multi-campus, multi-campus uiversity, library, service quality, LibQUAL+™





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