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This research is to investigate the spatial characteristics of nightscape restaurants, visitors' landscape preference, and perceived restoration in Taiwan. In the first phase of the study, 75 spatial data of the nightscape restaurants were collected, and the majority of restaurants are located in northern and central Taiwan. Most of them are located on slopes between hills and plains. Online surveys were conducted to understand restorative experience and preference of visitors to the restaurants. In the survey, the participants were asked to view 20 nightscape photos taken at different nightscape restaurants in Taiwan, and then to answer their landscape preference and restorative experiences. The spatial information of the restaurants were also collected, including population size of the surrounding area, distance between restaurants and nightscape lightings, the relative height, the angle of elevation, and the maximum sight distance. The results show, restorative experiences and preference are above the median, and are closely related (r=0.913). In terms of spatial analysis, the participants’ preference are highly related with the relative height, the size of the population, and the angle of elevation. According to the qualitative description, we found that participants prefer nightscapes with brighter lights, open-view nightscape, and non-flat nightscape. By regression equations, the principal factors of predicting landscape preference by spatial characters are the size of population and the relative location heights, and the principal factor of restorative perception by spatial character is the population size of the surrounding area. The second phase of the study is to further explore the elements of nightscape that attract viewers, to understand how visual perception factors and perceived restoration affect the whole landscape preference and restorative benefit, and also to compare the difference between field and non-field surveys. Five nightscape locations with high economic values were selected: Yangmingshan, Mao-Kong, Zugushan, Paikuoshan, and Huashan. Customers at the nightscape restaurants were asked to look at nightscape photos from the other four restaurants and then to answer a questionnaire, including one field and four non-field evaluations of the nightscape. In total, 252 questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire includes 15 subjects, four factors in preference matrix (coherence, complexity, legibility, and mystery), wideness, vividness, identity, four factors in ART (being away emotion , fascination, extension, compatibility), restorative benefit, landscape preference, visiting intenstion, and travel time intenstion. The results from the questionnaire show: 1. The majority traveling time to the nightscape restaurants is 30 minutes, but there are also a high number of customer from other regions. Yangmingshan scored the highest nightscape preference in both surveys. 2. Field evaluations scored higher scores in all subjects than non-field nightscape photos, meaning both the restoration effects and landscape preference in field are higher than photographs, especially for town nightscapes. 3. Wideness, restorative benefit, and being away feelings are the most significant feelings for participants. 4. Urban cityscape have higher identity values, while suburban town nightscapes have more mystery. The dynamic motion nightscape also have more mystery and can increase the visiting intenstion. The nightscape with landmarks are high in identity, legibility, complexity, landscape preference, fascination scores, and can increase visiting intenstion. The landscapes which combines local industry have less coherence and have less visiting intenstion. 5. With regression equations, legibility is the most important factor affecting field landscape preference, followed by identity, mystery, and wideness. For restorative perception, compatibility is the most important factor, and then followed by fascination and being away feelings. Previous researches confirmed that people prefer wide and bright foreground, and this research also shows same preferences for nightscapes. Nightscape resources can be utilized to promote the nightscape economy. This study suggests the best locations for a nightscape restaurant is on a wide terrace or a hill with high relative height to a town or urban cityscape with landmarks or dynamic motion lightings. A traveling time within 30 minutes travel time is also preferred. Emulation of the dark environments for non-field survey are required for future studies.
This research is to investigate the spatial characteristics of nightscape restaurants, visitors' landscape preference, and perceived restoration in Taiwan. In the first phase of the study, 75 spatial data of the nightscape restaurants were collected, and the majority of restaurants are located in northern and central Taiwan. Most of them are located on slopes between hills and plains. Online surveys were conducted to understand restorative experience and preference of visitors to the restaurants. In the survey, the participants were asked to view 20 nightscape photos taken at different nightscape restaurants in Taiwan, and then to answer their landscape preference and restorative experiences. The spatial information of the restaurants were also collected, including population size of the surrounding area, distance between restaurants and nightscape lightings, the relative height, the angle of elevation, and the maximum sight distance. The results show, restorative experiences and preference are above the median, and are closely related (r=0.913). In terms of spatial analysis, the participants’ preference are highly related with the relative height, the size of the population, and the angle of elevation. According to the qualitative description, we found that participants prefer nightscapes with brighter lights, open-view nightscape, and non-flat nightscape. By regression equations, the principal factors of predicting landscape preference by spatial characters are the size of population and the relative location heights, and the principal factor of restorative perception by spatial character is the population size of the surrounding area. The second phase of the study is to further explore the elements of nightscape that attract viewers, to understand how visual perception factors and perceived restoration affect the whole landscape preference and restorative benefit, and also to compare the difference between field and non-field surveys. Five nightscape locations with high economic values were selected: Yangmingshan, Mao-Kong, Zugushan, Paikuoshan, and Huashan. Customers at the nightscape restaurants were asked to look at nightscape photos from the other four restaurants and then to answer a questionnaire, including one field and four non-field evaluations of the nightscape. In total, 252 questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire includes 15 subjects, four factors in preference matrix (coherence, complexity, legibility, and mystery), wideness, vividness, identity, four factors in ART (being away emotion , fascination, extension, compatibility), restorative benefit, landscape preference, visiting intenstion, and travel time intenstion. The results from the questionnaire show: 1. The majority traveling time to the nightscape restaurants is 30 minutes, but there are also a high number of customer from other regions. Yangmingshan scored the highest nightscape preference in both surveys. 2. Field evaluations scored higher scores in all subjects than non-field nightscape photos, meaning both the restoration effects and landscape preference in field are higher than photographs, especially for town nightscapes. 3. Wideness, restorative benefit, and being away feelings are the most significant feelings for participants. 4. Urban cityscape have higher identity values, while suburban town nightscapes have more mystery. The dynamic motion nightscape also have more mystery and can increase the visiting intenstion. The nightscape with landmarks are high in identity, legibility, complexity, landscape preference, fascination scores, and can increase visiting intenstion. The landscapes which combines local industry have less coherence and have less visiting intenstion. 5. With regression equations, legibility is the most important factor affecting field landscape preference, followed by identity, mystery, and wideness. For restorative perception, compatibility is the most important factor, and then followed by fascination and being away feelings. Previous researches confirmed that people prefer wide and bright foreground, and this research also shows same preferences for nightscapes. Nightscape resources can be utilized to promote the nightscape economy. This study suggests the best locations for a nightscape restaurant is on a wide terrace or a hill with high relative height to a town or urban cityscape with landmarks or dynamic motion lightings. A traveling time within 30 minutes travel time is also preferred. Emulation of the dark environments for non-field survey are required for future studies.
夜景, 景觀偏好, 復癒知覺, 空間分析, 現地/非現地, Nightscape, Landscape preference, Perceived Restoration, Spatial Analysis, Field / Non-field