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埤塘係因先民在桃園地區灌溉需求所開鑿,經歷270餘年。如今卻因為都市發展而逐步消失填平,並且改建為工業用地、機關用地、私人用地或是學校用地。在過去的許多研究中,皆論及埤塘之重要性,政府也業已制定濕地保育法茲以保護;惟在現有法規的保護之下,埤塘仍持續流失。本研究咸認在政府政策的制定規範,以及民眾對於發展和保育之間渴望和需求衝突之際,其溝通之橋樑,需要藉由民眾之認同度藉以進行情感連結。因此本研究之目的,係為了解民眾對於濕地保育法在2015年2月2日實施之後,桃園民眾對於埤塘濕地保護的政策認同度。首先,本研究探討民眾對於埤塘價值的傾向與社會信任度,對於政策認同度的影響,研究係以網路問卷Survey Cake問卷調查平台的方式進行,研究場域為桃園市區民眾,透過網路問卷針對居住桃園地區的居民為對象進行調查;問卷內容分為下列四個部分:(一)受測者背景;(二)埤塘價值傾向;(三)社會信任度,以及(四)濕地保育法政策認同度。桃園台地自2008年至2023年的埤塘數量及總面積,經由GIS的數化結果得知,15年間埤塘個數消失37%,總面積消失17.6%,埤塘消失速度急遽,僅有6成多的民眾了解此一現象。本研究發現埤塘價值、社會信任度係為解釋變項,受測者背景設定為控制變項,民眾在進行政策認同度之判斷時會受其埤塘價值與社會信任度之影響,但在社會信任度,僅有信任層面與經濟面的政策受到影響,其餘的影響皆不明顯。經過分析結果,桃園地區受訪者人類中心主義的得分高於自然中心主義,本研究結合埤塘價值與社會信任度之後,具體了解民眾對於濕地保育法於明智利用的政策之看法。
Farm ponds have been created for the irrigation needs on the Taoyuan Tableland. Now it has been filled in by the progress of urban development and conversion to institutions, industrial uses, or schools. The importance of the farm ponds has been mentioned in many studies in the past, thus, the government has enacted wetland legislation to protect them. However, the losses of ponds continue despite the protection of wetland regulations. The bridge between policy making and the public needs should be made by policy recognition. Therefore, the purpose of this study is aimed to find out the level of public acceptance of the Wetland Conservation Act based on Cognitive Hierarchical Theory. Exploring the impact of public awareness of the value of ponds and social trust on policy approval will be conducted by questionnaire. However, the number and total area of Taoyuan farm ponds from 2008 to 2023, through the results of GIS digitalization, learned that the number of farm ponds disappeared by 37%, and the total area disappeared by 17.6% within 15 years. Only 60 % residents understand this phenomenon. The questionnaire has divided into the following four items: (i) Socio-economic background; (ii) The value of ponds; (iii) Social trust; and (iv) Policy recognition of Wetland Conservation Act. The subsequent analysis has examined the relevance of the value of ponds and social trust as explanatory variables, and the socio-economic context as a control variable, to the extent that they are related to policy approval. When judging the degree of policy recognition, the public will be affected by the value and social trust in pond issues. After analyzing the results, respondents in the Taoyuan area scored higher on anthropocentrism than on natural centrism. By combining the value of the ponds with the trust of the community, this study has provided a better understanding of public perceptions of the various components of wetland policies in all objectives.
Farm ponds have been created for the irrigation needs on the Taoyuan Tableland. Now it has been filled in by the progress of urban development and conversion to institutions, industrial uses, or schools. The importance of the farm ponds has been mentioned in many studies in the past, thus, the government has enacted wetland legislation to protect them. However, the losses of ponds continue despite the protection of wetland regulations. The bridge between policy making and the public needs should be made by policy recognition. Therefore, the purpose of this study is aimed to find out the level of public acceptance of the Wetland Conservation Act based on Cognitive Hierarchical Theory. Exploring the impact of public awareness of the value of ponds and social trust on policy approval will be conducted by questionnaire. However, the number and total area of Taoyuan farm ponds from 2008 to 2023, through the results of GIS digitalization, learned that the number of farm ponds disappeared by 37%, and the total area disappeared by 17.6% within 15 years. Only 60 % residents understand this phenomenon. The questionnaire has divided into the following four items: (i) Socio-economic background; (ii) The value of ponds; (iii) Social trust; and (iv) Policy recognition of Wetland Conservation Act. The subsequent analysis has examined the relevance of the value of ponds and social trust as explanatory variables, and the socio-economic context as a control variable, to the extent that they are related to policy approval. When judging the degree of policy recognition, the public will be affected by the value and social trust in pond issues. After analyzing the results, respondents in the Taoyuan area scored higher on anthropocentrism than on natural centrism. By combining the value of the ponds with the trust of the community, this study has provided a better understanding of public perceptions of the various components of wetland policies in all objectives.
濕地保育法, 埤塘價值, 社會認同度, 認知階層理論, 公民參與, Wetland Conservation Act, Pond values, Social acceptance, Cognitive Hierarchical Theory, Civic engagement