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摘 要
本研究發現主管具有具備行動力與規劃執行能力,亦即具有「路徑思考」(pathway thinking)之能力。且主管們能從工作成果與服務對象的回饋中,尋得或創造各種型態的正向時刻,使其工作更有意義。主管表現出來的激勵思考之意志力(willpower),也是積極具希望的心理狀態。
本研究以Folkman(2008)之壓力因應理論模型為基礎,以正向心理資本之四個構面(自我效能、希望、樂觀、韌性) 加上本研究新增之二構面(展現理性與勝任人際關係、使命感)進行整合,統整出「正向心理資本壓力因應模型」,以利未來相關研究進行討論與對話。
The Study on Preschool Directors’ Job Stress and Coping Strategies Abstract In Taiwan, preschool directors are facing various types of pressure which would cause serious effects for the schools. In fact, successful experiences of how preschool directors cope with working stress are worth exploring to show psychological capital as a positive resource for overcoming stress. However, relevant qualitative researches are rare. Therefore, this qualitative study provides ample and profound findings regarding preschool directors’ job stress, coping strategies of working pressure, and analysis of the psychological capital they possess. Eighteen preschool directors with positive traits were invited to join the study. All of them have more than 2 years administrative duties, and responsibilities. The study was conducted by in-depth interviews, accompanied by relevant document files. The main findings are as follows: 1.Working Situation of Directors In general, the working time of both full-time and part-time directors are similar, but work contents are different. In addition, the part-time directors usually work late and longer, they all have heavy burden. Either part-time or most of full-time preschool directors need to handle more administrative works, because there are fewer administrative employees in the preschool. Some full-time directors have other administrative employees to help her to do paperworks, general affairs, and so on, so they can arrange time to do teaching supervision, and help teachers’ professional development. 2. Stressors of Directors (1) " New environment and new administrative works" are the common stress sources of both full-time and part-time directors. (2) The increased workload of conducting and promoting government’s educational policy is also a source of stress for both full-time and part-time directors. (3) The difficulties of keeping good relationship with school personnel are considered the greatest challenge for both full-time and part-time directors. School personnel include school colleagues, partners, administrative staff and parents. All preschool directors agreed that "people" problems are the most difficult one to deal with, and also the biggest source of job stress. (4) “Overloading” and “the imbalance of teaching and administrative work” are the main source of stress for the part-time directors. 3. Useful Coping Strategies of Directors: (1) Be responsible and seeking solutions. (2) Make us of resources, integrating internal and external resources. (3) Make adjustment of attitude and practices. (4) Change or leave the context. Although preschool directors encounter many difficulties and job stress, all the research participants are positive problem solvers by trying a variety of strategies to break through the difficulties and to overcome the challenges. Most importantly, the directors regard "stress" as the power, as the source of strength to move on. 4. The Psychological Capital of Directors (1)Self Efficacy: the directors are willing to face the challenges, to enrich their own management skills and work experiences, and to face all problems with self-confidence . Whenever they overcome a challenge, their self-confidence is improved. They know learning by doing. (2)Hope: the directors have " pathway thinking " capability, the ability to execute mobility and planning. Moreover, they found many ways to create positive moments in common lifetime, and built more meaning of their career. (3)Optimism: the directos all are self-encouraged , grateful and having sense of humor (4)Resilience: the directors show resilience capital from " reflection "and " learning by trying and doing". (5)Emphasis on rationality and interpersonal relationships: the directors ask themselves to be rational, gentle, polite, good emotional management with personnel, and they would like to establish friendly relations with others. (6)Mission: the directors hold a great sense of mission toward early childhood education. They view their work meaningful. Their mission is to help children, parents, teachers , family and so on. 5. The combination of Folkman’s coping model and psychological capital theory. According to the findings, some suggestions have been proposed for preschool directors, government of education, and future research.
The Study on Preschool Directors’ Job Stress and Coping Strategies Abstract In Taiwan, preschool directors are facing various types of pressure which would cause serious effects for the schools. In fact, successful experiences of how preschool directors cope with working stress are worth exploring to show psychological capital as a positive resource for overcoming stress. However, relevant qualitative researches are rare. Therefore, this qualitative study provides ample and profound findings regarding preschool directors’ job stress, coping strategies of working pressure, and analysis of the psychological capital they possess. Eighteen preschool directors with positive traits were invited to join the study. All of them have more than 2 years administrative duties, and responsibilities. The study was conducted by in-depth interviews, accompanied by relevant document files. The main findings are as follows: 1.Working Situation of Directors In general, the working time of both full-time and part-time directors are similar, but work contents are different. In addition, the part-time directors usually work late and longer, they all have heavy burden. Either part-time or most of full-time preschool directors need to handle more administrative works, because there are fewer administrative employees in the preschool. Some full-time directors have other administrative employees to help her to do paperworks, general affairs, and so on, so they can arrange time to do teaching supervision, and help teachers’ professional development. 2. Stressors of Directors (1) " New environment and new administrative works" are the common stress sources of both full-time and part-time directors. (2) The increased workload of conducting and promoting government’s educational policy is also a source of stress for both full-time and part-time directors. (3) The difficulties of keeping good relationship with school personnel are considered the greatest challenge for both full-time and part-time directors. School personnel include school colleagues, partners, administrative staff and parents. All preschool directors agreed that "people" problems are the most difficult one to deal with, and also the biggest source of job stress. (4) “Overloading” and “the imbalance of teaching and administrative work” are the main source of stress for the part-time directors. 3. Useful Coping Strategies of Directors: (1) Be responsible and seeking solutions. (2) Make us of resources, integrating internal and external resources. (3) Make adjustment of attitude and practices. (4) Change or leave the context. Although preschool directors encounter many difficulties and job stress, all the research participants are positive problem solvers by trying a variety of strategies to break through the difficulties and to overcome the challenges. Most importantly, the directors regard "stress" as the power, as the source of strength to move on. 4. The Psychological Capital of Directors (1)Self Efficacy: the directors are willing to face the challenges, to enrich their own management skills and work experiences, and to face all problems with self-confidence . Whenever they overcome a challenge, their self-confidence is improved. They know learning by doing. (2)Hope: the directors have " pathway thinking " capability, the ability to execute mobility and planning. Moreover, they found many ways to create positive moments in common lifetime, and built more meaning of their career. (3)Optimism: the directos all are self-encouraged , grateful and having sense of humor (4)Resilience: the directors show resilience capital from " reflection "and " learning by trying and doing". (5)Emphasis on rationality and interpersonal relationships: the directors ask themselves to be rational, gentle, polite, good emotional management with personnel, and they would like to establish friendly relations with others. (6)Mission: the directors hold a great sense of mission toward early childhood education. They view their work meaningful. Their mission is to help children, parents, teachers , family and so on. 5. The combination of Folkman’s coping model and psychological capital theory. According to the findings, some suggestions have been proposed for preschool directors, government of education, and future research.
幼兒園主管, 工作壓力, 因應策略, 正向心理資本, preschool director, job stress, coping strategy, psychological capital