

摘要 本研究的目的在探討國中男生接受八週增強式訓練對無氧運動能力之影響。方法是以五十名福營國中男生為研究對象,平均年齡為14.3±0.4歳,五十名受試者經由隨機分配方式分為實驗組與對照組各二十五名。對照組除參與學校體育課程外,不得接受運動訓練,實驗組則參與中、低強度的增強式訓練。無氧運動能力測驗項目包括:垂直跳、立定跳遠、10m×4折返跑、30m衝剌跑,所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析,所有顯著水準定為α=.05。經過訓練後,實驗組和對照組在衝剌跑、折返跑、立定跳遠與垂直跳項目前後測皆達顯著水準(p<.05),雖對照組在訓練期間有體育課程,但提昇效果不如實驗組,兩組後測比較,實驗組和對照組除在衝剌跑項目未達顯著差異水準外,其餘各項無氧能力都顯著的優於只上體育課的對照組(p<.05),本研究結果顯示,增強式訓練對國中男生的無氧運動能力有顯著的提昇效果。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of eight-week plyometric training (PT) on male junior high school students’ anaerobic capacity (AC). The subjects were fifty male students (age 14.3 ±.4 yrs) in Fu-Ying Junior High School, who were randomized into an experimental group (EG; 25 subjects) and a control group (CG; 25 subjects). The CG was not given any exercise training except school physical education (PE) curriculum. The EG accepted both mid and low-intensity PT. The tests of anaerobic capacity included: vertical jump, standing long jump, 10 m x 4 shuttle-run, 30 m dash. Mixed Design 2 way ANOVA was applied to test the difference of mean. The significant α was set at .05. After 8 weeks of PT and PE curriculum, both groups significantly improved performance in vertical jump, standing long jump, 10mx4 shuttle-run, 30m dash. Although the CG received PE activity during the training period, the training effect was not as good as PT. At the end of training period, EG was significantly superior to PT in all anaerobic variables (p<.05) except 30m dash. This study concluded that plyometric training does significantly improve male junior high school students’ AC.



增強式訓練, 無氧運動能力, 垂直跳





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