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本研究旨在瞭解2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松參賽者知覺體驗行銷、目的地意象之感受程度以及其參賽意願之情況,同時探討不同人口背景變項在體驗行銷、目的地意象與參賽意願之差異情形,於後進一步分析體驗行銷、目的地意象對參賽意願三者間之影響關係;研究對象為2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松22,000名參賽者。於2012年2月5日於高雄國際馬拉松賽會場對參賽者發放問卷,一共發放591份問卷,實得有效問卷496份,接著以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析以及SEM結構方程模式進行統計分析,研究結果如下: 一、2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松參賽者在身分背景上以男性、21~30歲、公教軍 警人員、大學學歷、月平均收入20000元以下、居住於大高雄地區、首次參賽、 參加超半程馬拉松、一日遊為多數。 二、2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松參賽者在體驗行銷、目的地意象及參賽意願之知 覺評價介於「普通」到「非常同意」之間,為中等以上程度,仍有上升空間。 三、2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松參賽者之性別、年齡、參賽次數、參賽項目會影 響參賽者知覺體驗行銷。 四、2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松參賽者之居住地、參賽次數、參賽項目會影響參 賽者知覺目的地意象。 五、2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松參賽者之參賽次數會影響參賽者之參賽意願。 六、2012MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松參賽者之體驗行銷對目的地意象及參賽意願分別 具解釋力,但目的地意象對參賽意願則無。基上所述,賽會相關人員可將此研究結果作為參考依據來籌辦賽會,若參賽者能擁有良好的參賽體驗,將影響其對主辦地之目的地意象以及未來的參賽意願,有利於未來國內相關賽事的舉辦。
The purpose of the study was to reveal the relations among experiential marketing, tourism image and intention to participating matches in 2012MIZUNO Kaohsiung International Marathon. Totally, 591 questionnaires were distributed and 496 valid samples were collected in February 5, 2012. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, SEM were used for data analysis. The results were stated as following: 1. The main group of employees in 2012MIZUNO Kaohsiung International Marathon were 21-30 years old, college graduates and monthly income under NT 2,0000 dollars. 2. Experiential marketing, tourism image and intention to participating matches were higher than average in this study. 3. Gender, age, participating items and times would affect how runners evaluate experiential marketing. 4. Items and habitation would affect how runners evaluate tourism image. 5. Participating items and times would affect how runners evaluate intention to participating matches. 6. Experiential marketing would affect tourism image and intention to participating matches. Tourism image would not affect intention to participating matches. The results could be provided as suggestions for the organizers. Having better competition experiences would affect runners’ destination image and intention to participating matches. These results can be also offered as recommendations for the following similar events .



運動觀光, 體驗行銷, 目的地意象, 參賽意願, MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松, sport tourism, experiential marketing, tourism image, intention to participating matches, MIZUNO Kaohsiung International Marathon





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