「都市叢林」— 共生與混生 林峻葳創作論述

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環境議題為當代全球關注的問題,隨著文明發展與科技進步,人類棲地擴張對原生植物與自然環境產生破壞,甚至影響氣候變遷使生態失衡。本文由切身相關之環境議題出發,聚焦於城市內的風景,觀察日常生活場域中人與自然共處的方式,並透過繪畫再詮釋之,同時也藉本文書寫歸納出個人之觀察與感受,釐清個人的創作觀點、脈絡。 在本文中以盆栽象徵城市中的自然,且筆者以人與盆栽植物的互動關係擴大至人與自然關係的討論;除了以藝術史上相關題材畫家進行創作對照,學理上也以跨學科觀點分析、論證人與自然在城市中的共生與混生樣態。 綜上述,本文與其他相關論文區隔處在於聚焦城市中盆栽種植行為而衍生出人與自然關係的討論,並在環境議題中透過風景畫、視覺文化、社會學、心理學理論彙整,使環境相關的創作不僅純批判意涵,也能與個人生命、觀看經驗連結,而更貼近自身的創作系譜。
Environmental issue attracts extensive attention worldwide. With the development of civilization and technology, not only does climate change lead to imbalance of ecology, but also expansion of human habitation destroys environment and native plants. The thesis starts with author’s personal experience of environmental issue, focusing on landscape of city and observation of the mixed form of human and nature behaving in a city in daily life area. Moreover, the author reinterprets the issue through paintings, and induces personal perspective and feeling by writing to clarify the author’s creational context. In the thesis, potted plants symbolize the nature in city, and the author discusses the issue from the extent of interaction between human and potted plants to relation between human and nature. In addition to comparing different creations in art history, this thesis uses cross-disciplinary perspective to analyze and argue the mixed form between human and nature in a city. As mentioned above, what differentiates the current study from other theses with relevance to environmental issues is that the study focuses on relation between human and nature derived from the behavior of potted planting. Furthermore, the author hopes that the study can improve artistic creation and make the relation of human and nature into ones’ pedigree of creation through consolidation of landscape paintings research, visual culture, sociology, psychology, and combination of people’s life and ways of seeing, rather than just a critic of environmental issue.



人與自然, 共生與混生, 視覺經驗, 風景畫, 都市叢林, human and nature, Symbiosis and Hybridity, visual experience, landscape painting, Urban Jungle





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