

只要是一種專業領域,本身都應該發展出屬於自身的倫理信條,俾使成員加以遵守,以維護專業精神。衛生教育信條提供一套基本的信念,引導衛生教育者解決許多在其專業生活中遭遇的倫理困境。本研究之研究目的為建構本國衛生教育專業倫理信條,以提供衛生教育專業團體之參考。本研究採質量並用之研究方法,本研究經「深度訪談」與三次「德懷術問卷調查」所建構之「我國衛生教育專業倫理信條」內容共有「基本信念」與「對民眾的責任」、「對服務機構的責任」、「對社會的責任」、「對專業的責任」及「對研究與發展的責任」等五章37條。 於基本信念中包含專家們重新對衛生教育之定義做建議,並強調衛生教育者應懷抱濟世救人的理念,尊重人類生命的獨特性、潛能的價值及人性的尊嚴。整體而言,本信條於倫理理論之運用結合傳統之效益論、義務論與德行論,而衛生教育專業服務的對象為「人」,故本研究所發展之信條更包含「關懷論」,是特色亦更貼切人性化。於未來可運用如舉辦倫理信條研討會或工作坊、衛生教育專業人員凝聚共識、在學會網站上公佈、融入學校課程的安排及後續性學術研究等,使倫理信條的執行更落實。
In order to sustain the spirit of a profession, it is necessary to develop the code of ethics for the field. The professional code of ethics applied to the health education provides a set of basic beliefs to guide health educators in solving ethic dilemmas within the professional area. The purpose of this research is to construct a professional code of ethics for the health education in Taiwan. The method of this research combines with both quantitative and qualitative approach. Two data collection instruments, which are ‘in-depth interviews’ and ‘Delphi technique questionnaire surveys’ are used to establish the professional code of ethics in Taiwan. The code of ethics consists of 5 chapters and 37 clauses including the contents of ‘basic beliefs’, ‘responsibility to the public’, ‘responsibility to the working organization’, ‘responsibility to the society’, ‘responsibility to the profession’, and ‘responsibility to the research and development in health education ’. As to the basic beliefs, the experts who were interviewed suggest the need to reconsider the definitions of the health education in Taiwan. They also emphasize the importance of perceiving 4 beliefs, which are ‘to help the world and the others’, ‘to respect the uniqueness of an individual’s life’, ‘to value ones’ potential’, and ‘to admire the esteem of the humanity’, for health educators. In general, the theoretical frame of the professional code of ethics in Taiwan associates 3 major traditional hypotheses; and they are the ‘benefit’, ‘obligation’, and ‘morality’ claims. Additionally, since the serving clients of health educators are ‘human beings’, the professional code of ethics in Taiwan involves a further dimension of ‘concerning hypothesis’. This is a major characteristic of the code of ethics in this thesis, and it provides a more insightful perspective for the humanity as well. In order to implement the set of code substantially, 5 feasible ways can be considered. The 5 methods include: to conduct conferences and/ or workshops for the professional code of ethics, to achieve a common consensus amongst the health educators, to publish the professional code of ethics on the website of the association, to integrate the code of ethics into the school syllabus, and to continue the subsequent academic research.



衛生教育, 專業倫理信條, 倫理困境, Health education, professional code of ethics, ethic dilemma





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