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Eshet-Alkalai (2004) 將數位素養以五個面向提出一個詞彙架構:圖像素養、重製素 養、分析和重組素養、資訊素養、社會情感素養。這五個面向和Gilster(1997)所重視 的資訊內容評鑑、重視資訊情境、能夠檢索、利用虛擬圖書館、能夠整集組裝知識, 有許多相呼應之處。另外普渡大學Sharkey 和Brandt(2008)則建議數位素養就是科技 素養和資訊素養的結合體。數位素養的研究議題,既屬個人層次,也是國家社會層次。 前者涉及各人數位知能,以及適應數位世界的能力,後者涉及國家競爭力。數位媒體 正在形塑新的知識論,認知和知識表徵也都在改變中,如何使一國的民眾體悟,進而 願意快速學習,是一件值得關切研究的課題。「全民」的概念是指一般民眾,若以圖書 資訊學對於「使用者研究」的分類,大約可以依照幾種屬性區分:(1)人口變項區分: 是指依照不同年齡層、性別、社會經濟屬性來區分,簡單的來看。有兒童、青年、成 年和老年等。(2)工作屬性區分:是日常生活,還是專業工作任務。都和數位環境脫離 不了關係。本研究計畫擬提出三年研究計畫,從:(1)內涵和需求、(2)應用和實施策 略,以及(3)個別差異,探討我國如何研究全民數位素養的議題、協助全民有數位素養 意識。研究方法將包括大樣本調查法、俗民方法論、倉儲方格法等。期望研究結果能 對數位素養的意涵和全民的學習需求有所了解、進而能規畫有用、有趣的、終身學習 數位素養課程,幫助一般民眾進入數位環境,經營健康生活。進一步,利用民眾學習 數位素養的資料,分析了解文化意識和個人差異對學習數位素養的影響,作為研究的 理論貢獻。
Eshet-Alkalai (2004) proposed a terminology framework for photo-visual literacy: the art of reading visual representations; reproduction literacy: the art of creative recycling of existing materials; branching literacy: hypermedia and non-linear thinking; information literacy: the art of skepticism; and socio-emotional literacy. This framework is similar to Gilster’s(1997)writing on context evaluation, from hypertext to context, searching the virtual library, and knowledge assembly. Sharkey and Brandt(2008)suggest integrating technology literacy and information literacy as survival skill in the digital era. Digital literacy is individual benefit as well as national issue for national competency. It is also issue for new media creating new epistemology. This research proposal suggests a three-year-long project to identify the perception of digital literacy from general public (first year), thus to form a local framework of digital literacy to design proper curriculum for the general public (the second year), and to investigate if the individual difference and cultural awareness related to digital literacy. The expected outcome of the study will contribute in theories as well as practice in promoting digital literacy for the general public.
Eshet-Alkalai (2004) proposed a terminology framework for photo-visual literacy: the art of reading visual representations; reproduction literacy: the art of creative recycling of existing materials; branching literacy: hypermedia and non-linear thinking; information literacy: the art of skepticism; and socio-emotional literacy. This framework is similar to Gilster’s(1997)writing on context evaluation, from hypertext to context, searching the virtual library, and knowledge assembly. Sharkey and Brandt(2008)suggest integrating technology literacy and information literacy as survival skill in the digital era. Digital literacy is individual benefit as well as national issue for national competency. It is also issue for new media creating new epistemology. This research proposal suggests a three-year-long project to identify the perception of digital literacy from general public (first year), thus to form a local framework of digital literacy to design proper curriculum for the general public (the second year), and to investigate if the individual difference and cultural awareness related to digital literacy. The expected outcome of the study will contribute in theories as well as practice in promoting digital literacy for the general public.