

本文旨在分析研究舞蹈融入南湖高中排球校隊訓練之可行性與功效,瞭解學生對舞蹈融入運動訓練的接受程度、身體感知能力及運動技能學習的影響。本研究採行動研究模式進行,以南湖高中排球校隊一、二年級學生共十名為研究對象,針對排球的動作特性及身體訓練所需之運動要素,對應舞蹈元素概念為課程設計主軸,分成四個階段實施。透過實際體驗,觀察校隊選手的表現,以開發身體感知能力為主題,並廣泛收集相關資料,歸納彙整後以三角檢核法進行分析探討。結果發現: 一、對舞蹈融入運動訓練的接受程度 學生能了解並接受舞蹈融入運動訓練所帶來的樂趣與益處。 二、對身體使用方式感知經驗的影響 學生能感知及描述動作過程中身體所發出的訊息,能透過舞蹈活動的練習,來做到身體肌肉使用的控制與掌握。 三、對運動技能學習的影響 學生能說出於排球訓練時身體所面臨的運動技術動作及動作使用方式等問題,並提醒自己於技能學習時應注意要點及動作時肌肉用力的方式。 由於學生能透過舞蹈探索身體要素能力及自我感知經驗,提醒自己身體各部位使用肌群與施力方式之不同,故可達到整體身體運動能力與素質不斷自我提升之功效。
This action research aims at analyzing and studying the feasibility and efficacy on integrating dance experiences into volleyball school representative team at Nan Hu High School. Students’ attitude to accepting dance within sports training, and the influences of dance experiences on students’ body awareness and their motor skill learning are analyzed and discussed. Ten students from the first and second grades in the volleyball school representative team are taken as the research targets. The combination of volleyball training components and dancing elements are explored and conducted through four stages. After observing and inquiring students’ performances, all related data are gathered extensively, and all the information data are induced and arranged by the triangulation. The result reveals that 1.Students’ attitude to accepting dance within sports training The students are able to realize and accept the enjoyment and benefits that dance experiences integrate with their volleyball training. 2.The influences of dance experiences on students’ body awareness The students are able to perceive and describe messages from their own body during the moving process. They become more aware of how to use the body and control muscles through dance practices. 3.The influences of dance experiences on students’ motor skill learning The students are able to raise questions such as the motor skill movement and movement mode problems while they are taking volleyball training. Also, they are able to remind themselves of those tips and techniques while they are doing motor skill learning. Through the dance practices, ten students’ abilities in exploring and sensing their own body are obviously enhanced. By consciously reminding themselves of the use and function among different muscles, the students have efficiently improved their physical ability and movement quality in both dance and volleyball training.



舞蹈, 排球, 運動訓練, 行動研究, dancing, volleyball, sports training, action research





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