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本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,編製「補救教學方案對國中生學習成效影響調查問卷」作為研究工具,並以臺北市20所及新北市20所公立國中共617名教師作為研究抽樣對象,回收有效樣本為440份問卷,佔樣本數71%。問卷調查所得資料以SPSS 22 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法。
一、 臺北地區國民中學教師普遍認為補救教學方案整體的執行情形有待加強。
二、 臺北地區國民中學教師普遍認為補救教學方案整體學生學習成效有待加強。
三、 臺北地區國民中學不同「年齡」、「最高學歷」、「服務年資」、「補救教學方案授課年資」、「學校規模」之教師對整體執行現況的看法有明顯差異。
四、 臺北地區國民中學不同「最高學歷」、「服務年資」、「現任職務」、「學校規模」之教師對整體學生學習成效的看法有明顯差異。
五、 臺北地區國民中學補救教學方案執行現況與學生學習成效之間有相當程度的相關。
六、 臺北地區國民中學補救教學方案執行現況對學生學習成效具有相當程度的預測力。
The main purpose of this study was to studying the cruurnt implementation situstion of “Remedial Instruction Project” which was carried into junior high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City. Also, to bring up the opinions to the results of the project mentioned above from the teachers who work at Taipei City’s and New Taipei City’s junior high schools. This study uses questionnaire research method. There are 440 valid questionnaires, about 71 % of all, named “ The research of the influence of the remedial instruction project on junior high school students’ learning achievement”, answered by 617 teachers from 20 chosen junior high schools in Taipei City and 20 in New Taipei City. Statistical analyses include descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Taipei area junior high school’s teachers generally agreed that the overall status of implementation of the remedial instruction project needs to be strengthened. 2. Taipei area junior high school’s teachers generally agreed that the overall achievement of students’ learning of the remedial instruction project needs to be strengthened. 3. There is a significant difference in perspectives on status of implementation of the remedial instruction project from teachers in junior high schools in Taipei area of different “age,” “highest education level,” “ years of service,” “remedial instruction project teaching seniority” and “school size.” 4. There is a significant difference in perspectives on students’ learning achievement from teachers in junior high schools in Taipei area of different “highest education level,” “seniority,” “current position” and “school size.” 5. The is a significant relationshop between status of implementation of remedial instruction project and students’ learning achievement in junior high schools in Taipei area. 6. Status of implementation of remedial instruction project has significant predictability in students’s learning achievement in junior high schools in Taipei area. Based on the conclusion, some suggestions were given for educational authorities, schools and future related researchers. Keywords: remedial instruction project, remedial teaching, learning achievement
The main purpose of this study was to studying the cruurnt implementation situstion of “Remedial Instruction Project” which was carried into junior high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City. Also, to bring up the opinions to the results of the project mentioned above from the teachers who work at Taipei City’s and New Taipei City’s junior high schools. This study uses questionnaire research method. There are 440 valid questionnaires, about 71 % of all, named “ The research of the influence of the remedial instruction project on junior high school students’ learning achievement”, answered by 617 teachers from 20 chosen junior high schools in Taipei City and 20 in New Taipei City. Statistical analyses include descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Taipei area junior high school’s teachers generally agreed that the overall status of implementation of the remedial instruction project needs to be strengthened. 2. Taipei area junior high school’s teachers generally agreed that the overall achievement of students’ learning of the remedial instruction project needs to be strengthened. 3. There is a significant difference in perspectives on status of implementation of the remedial instruction project from teachers in junior high schools in Taipei area of different “age,” “highest education level,” “ years of service,” “remedial instruction project teaching seniority” and “school size.” 4. There is a significant difference in perspectives on students’ learning achievement from teachers in junior high schools in Taipei area of different “highest education level,” “seniority,” “current position” and “school size.” 5. The is a significant relationshop between status of implementation of remedial instruction project and students’ learning achievement in junior high schools in Taipei area. 6. Status of implementation of remedial instruction project has significant predictability in students’s learning achievement in junior high schools in Taipei area. Based on the conclusion, some suggestions were given for educational authorities, schools and future related researchers. Keywords: remedial instruction project, remedial teaching, learning achievement
補救教學, 補救教學方案, 學習成效, remedial instruction project, remedial teaching, learning achievement