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本研究旨在瞭解資優生家庭選擇在家自行教育的歷程、執行概況,以及他們對在家自行教育施行看法與建議,並從中探討學校與在家自行教育資優生家庭兩者之間的關係。研究採敘事研究法,運用訪談大綱與研究參與者進行深度訪談,邀請兩個曾經有在家自行教育經驗的資優生家庭,以及學校的資優班老師共同參與。在謹守研究倫理並確保信效度的準則下,透過訪談錄音以及逐字稿的謄寫,形成故事文本。在資料分析部分,研究採用Lieblich 等人(1998)所提出的敘事分析方式,先以「整體-內容」的方法來呈現研究參與者生命故事的脈絡與焦點,再以「類別-內容」的方法將跨參與者的話題進行分類與詮釋。 研究結果顯示,配合子女的特質或需要安排教育方式是資優生家庭選擇自學的重要因素,在家自行教育最大的優勢就是能夠配合學習者的需求來擬訂課程。其次,追求自我實現是自學家庭的起點與終點,而時間管理是首要的先決條件。最後,研究也發現,選擇自學的重要前提是「意願、目標與資源」,有意選擇此學習型態的家庭宜客觀地審視家庭條件再進行申請辦理。
Life Story of the Homeschooling Gifted Students Hsiang-Ju Chen Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand why and how families of gifted students choose to do homeschooling and their opinions and suggestions on the issue; so as to discuss the relationship between schools and the families that do homeschooling. The author adopted narrative methodological thesis and made use of interview guides to proceed in-depth interviews with the participants, including two families of gifted students who had the experiences in homeschooling and the gifted education teachers. The narrated texts were analyzed with the analysis models proposed by Lieblich et al in holistic-content approach and holistic-form approach sequentially. The author described the life contexts and focal points of the participants, and classified the contexts to form topics and interpretations. Results indicated that the characteristics of the children or need to arrange for education of gifted students is an important factor in homeschooling families, besides, the biggest advantage of homeschooling is to meet the needs of learners to formulate courses. Second, the pursuit of self-realization is not only a goal but a terminal point. Finally, the study also found that the important prerequisite for selection as "will, goals and resources".



生命故事, 在家自行教育, 資優生, Gifted student, Home schooling, Life story





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