
dc.contributorCheng, Shao-Tungen_US
dc.contributor.authorTai, Pei-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在瞭解臺北市萬華區運動中心消費者之生活型態及其消費行為,及兩者間是否具有顯著相關。本研究採問卷調查法,參考相關文獻進行問卷編製,以「臺北市萬華區運動中心消費者生活型態及消費行為調查問卷」為研究工具,研究對象為曾至臺北市萬華區運動中心進行消費之18歲以上民眾,問卷發放時間為2010年3月至2010年4月,抽取450份問卷,資料蒐集後,透過 PASW Statistics 18.0 及卡方檢定等統計方法進行資料分析,得到以下結論: 一、消費者主要為「26-30歲」的「未婚男性」、居住在「萬華區」,教育程度為「大學(專)」且從事「服務業」,平均每月所得「20,001-40,000元」。 二、消費者主要參與動機為「維持或促進健康」,資訊管道則是透過「親友同事」,考量因素為「離家(公司)近」,而交通時間在「20分鐘內」,多在「上午08:01-12:00」使用,平均使用「1-2小時(含)」且頻率為「每週1-3次」,最常使用「體適能健身中心」,而陪同對象為「朋友或男女朋友」,整體滿意度為「滿意」且「願意」再次至該運動中心消費,並「願意」向他人推薦。 三、臺北市萬華區運動中心消費者依生活型態的不同可分為3大集群,分別為「積極消費群」、「保守穩健群」及「健康成長群」。 四、人口統計變項與生活型態集群具有顯著相關。 五、生活型態集群與「參與動機」、「資訊管道」、「使用時段」、「使用頻率」、「使用設施」、「陪同對象」、「整體滿意度」、「購後行為」等8項消費行為具有顯著相關。 有鑑於此,本研究建議臺北市萬華區運動中心未來可針對由年輕女性構成的「積極消費群」擬訂專屬行銷方案,以期增加使用率並進一步提高實質收益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to understand the lifestyle and behavior of the consumers in Wanhua Sports Center in Taipei and to analyze if lifestyle was related to consumer behavior. Questionnaire method was adopted and “the survey of lifestyle and behavior of the consumers in Wanhua Sports Center in Taipei” was used as the research tool. The subjects were consumers who were 18 years old or over and had paid to exercise in Wanhua Sports Center in Taipei. 450 samples were collected during March and April in 2010. PASW Statistics 18.0 and statistical methods were applied to analyze the data. The analysis was detailed below. 1. The consumers were 26- to 30-year-old unmarried males, who lived in the Wanhua District and had a bachelor’s degree and worked in the service industry. Their monthly income ranges 20,001-40,000 NTD. 2. The consumers exercised to maintain or improve their health, gathered information about Wanhua Sports Center in Taipei through relatives, friends or co-workers, chose the exercise place on account of the close distance from home or workplace. They spent 20 minutes or less travelling to the sports center, worked out between 08:01a.m. and 12:00p.m.. The consumers would spend 1-2 hours on exercising in the sports center each time with a frequency of 1-3 times per week. The fitness center was used most frequently; the consumers were accompanied by friends, boyfriend or girlfriend during workout and were, in general, satisfied with the products and services provided by Wanhua Sports Center in Taipei and willing to pay more visits to the sports center and were also willing to recommend it to other people. 3. The consumers of Wanhua Sports Center in Taipei were classified into 3 groups according to their lifestyle, which were “action and consumption oriented”, “conservation and stability oriented” and “health and growth oriented”. 4. Demographics were related to lifestyle and consumer behavior. 5. Lifestyle was related to consumer behavior, including “motive for exercise participation”, “channel to gather information about the sports center”, “exercise session”, “exercise frequency”, “exercise facility you used most”, “the person(s) that you were accompanied by”, “satisfaction” and “post-purchase behavior”. Based on results, it was recommended that Wanhua Sports Center in Taipei should create a marketing program exclusively for the group composed of young females, “action and consumption oriented” in order to increase the use of facilities and to further enhance revenue.en_US
dc.subjectSports centeren_US
dc.subjectWanhua Districten_US
dc.subjectconsumer behavioren_US
dc.titleThe study of lifestyle and consumer behavior of consumers in Wanhua Sports Center in Taipeien_US

