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企業間的競合 (同時競爭與合作) 被認為是互利互惠與實現企業永續的創新策略。過去有關競合的文獻多關注在製造業,而鮮少學者討論餐飲業的競合關係。針對此研究缺口,本論文首要研究目的為探討餐廳與同業競爭對手合作的動機與阻礙,並聚焦在友善環境的綠色餐廳。研究方法採半結構面對面深度訪談,接著採用主題分析法處理訪談逐字稿。訪談對象包含臺北市七間獨立綠色餐廳的八位經營者,以及承辦新北市政府惜食分享餐廳計畫之公務員、物流負責人,藉由不同觀點提升研究信實度。研究結果如下:首先,本研究發現獨立綠色餐廳面臨的九大經營挑戰,特別是綠色食材採購、消費者光顧、政府政策、個體因素。第二,獨立綠色餐廳同業間有五種競合動機──擴大綠色餐飲市場、提升競爭優勢、互相扶持、建立信任與歸屬感、理念推廣。第三,競合阻礙有六類──新冠肺炎、個性、心態、策略不一致、時間限制、成本考量。第四,同業競合類型可分為純水平、水平與垂直結合、第三方介入。研究結果期望有助於相關公、私部門擬定符合綠色餐廳需求的有效策略,並偕同更多利害關係人共創更友善的飲食環境。
Inter-firm coopetition (compete and cooperate at the same time) has been regarded as an innovative strategy to obtain mutual benefits and achieve corporate sustainability. While most previous studies of coopetiton have focused on the manufacturing-led industries, the restaurant industry remains unexplored. To fill the research gap, the main objective of this study was to explore the motivations and barriers for restaurateurs to cooperate with their competitors. A series of semi-structured face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted with eight senior managers from seven independent green restaurants in Taipei City. In addition, one civil servant and one logistics manager in charge of the Cherish Share Restaurant, established by New Taipei City Government, were also interviewed to increase the trustworthiness of data. Interview transcripts were further analyzed through thematic analysis. The key findings were as follows: First, nine challenges for managing independent green restaurants emerged from the interview data, e.g., green food procurement, customer patronage, government policies, and individual factors. Second, five motivations for coopetition among independent green restaurants were identified, namely, increasing the size of green restaurant market, improving the competitive advantages, supporting one another, building trust and a sense of belonging, and promoting ideas. Third, six barriers to coopetition were classified, including COVID-19, personality, mindset, discrepancies in strategies, deficiency of time, and cost considerations. Fourth, three types of coopetition were categorized: purely horizontal, combining horizontal and vertical, and the third-party intervention. These findings are expected to provide useful insights for the relevant public and private sectors to formulate effective strategies that meet the needs of independent green restaurants, and enable stakeholders to co-create a more environmentally friendly dining environment in Taiwan.
Inter-firm coopetition (compete and cooperate at the same time) has been regarded as an innovative strategy to obtain mutual benefits and achieve corporate sustainability. While most previous studies of coopetiton have focused on the manufacturing-led industries, the restaurant industry remains unexplored. To fill the research gap, the main objective of this study was to explore the motivations and barriers for restaurateurs to cooperate with their competitors. A series of semi-structured face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted with eight senior managers from seven independent green restaurants in Taipei City. In addition, one civil servant and one logistics manager in charge of the Cherish Share Restaurant, established by New Taipei City Government, were also interviewed to increase the trustworthiness of data. Interview transcripts were further analyzed through thematic analysis. The key findings were as follows: First, nine challenges for managing independent green restaurants emerged from the interview data, e.g., green food procurement, customer patronage, government policies, and individual factors. Second, five motivations for coopetition among independent green restaurants were identified, namely, increasing the size of green restaurant market, improving the competitive advantages, supporting one another, building trust and a sense of belonging, and promoting ideas. Third, six barriers to coopetition were classified, including COVID-19, personality, mindset, discrepancies in strategies, deficiency of time, and cost considerations. Fourth, three types of coopetition were categorized: purely horizontal, combining horizontal and vertical, and the third-party intervention. These findings are expected to provide useful insights for the relevant public and private sectors to formulate effective strategies that meet the needs of independent green restaurants, and enable stakeholders to co-create a more environmentally friendly dining environment in Taiwan.
綠色實踐, 綠色餐廳, 競合策略, 競合動機, 競合阻礙, green practice, green restaurant, coopetition strategy, motivation for coopetition, barrier to coopetition