
dc.contributorGuo, Jong-Longen_US
dc.contributor.authorKao, Tzu-Hsiuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的為瞭解各縣市藥物濫用諮詢服務團目前執行現況以及團員對於各項執行策略以及輔導知能之評價,提供未來該團執行該策略之建議。依據此目的,本研究調查量表分為七大構面,分別為:發展校園輔導措施、建構專業諮詢關懷網絡、強化戒斷機制、輔導原則、專業輔導能力、計畫的執行與參與及工作認同。其中前三個構面目的為調查該團各項「防制學生藥物濫用執行策略」之現況,後四個構面為調查團員之「輔導知能」現況。本研究共至15個縣市收取72份問卷,運用重要性-績效表現分析(IPA)、非對稱影響分析(IAA)以及變異數分析等方法進行分析。 分析結果在「防制學生藥物濫用策略」方面,IAA分析指出下列幾各項需要優先改善之策略,分別為「督導高級中等以下學校每學期於『健康與體育』或『健康與護理』等相關領域課程內實施1堂課以上的『反毒教學』」、「運用評估資料來發展出個別輔導計畫」、「評估藥物濫用的學生對於戒毒準備的程度」、「協助藥物濫用諮商團體中的成員彼此相互支持」及「強化親職教育和家庭訪視」。在探究「輔導知能」方面,優先改善之項目則為「我能遵照專業建議(例如:計畫撰寫說明會、專家審查意見等)實施該計畫。」、「我能按照計畫書的內容及要點執行工作」、「我能在計畫時間內達到預期成效」、「我能正確的執行輔導策略,以幫助學生」及「不管學生人數有多少,我能有足夠的輔導能力,使輔導有良好的效果」。 在變異數分析中指出團員之人口背景變項僅有一項對於團員對各項執行策略及輔導知能並有顯著影響,即輔導員對於「專業輔導能力」該構面自覺重要性較高。 由分析結果可知,團員對於各題項之自覺重要性及目前現況滿意度皆給予較高的評價,也說明該團在執行各項策略時狀況良好,僅有少數項目需要改善,未來建議可發展出更多元以及個別化的輔導方式,幫助藥物濫用學生。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study is to understand the current implementation status of the “Drug Abuse Counseling Service Group” in each county and the evaluation of the implementation strategies and counselling capability of the members and provide suggestions for future implementation of the strategy. According to this purpose, the structured questionnaire was used including seven dimensions: developing campus counselling approaches, constructing a professional counselling and care network, strengthening the withdrawal mechanism, counselling principles, professional counselling skills, implementation and participation of the project. The former three aimed to investigate the current status of the “Drug Prevention Drug Abuse Implementation Strategy” for groups. The latter fours aimed to investigate the “Counseling Capability” for group members who participated in this student. A total of 72 respondents from 15 counties and cities were analyzed by Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA), Impact-Asymmetry Analysis(IAA), and ANOVA analysis. Analysis of the results of the “Drug Prevention of Drug Abuse Strategy”, the IAA analysis pointed out the following strategies for priority improvement: “ Supervising senior secondary schools to implement more than one anti-drug sessions of health and sports or health and nursing”, “Using assessment data to develop individual counselling projects”, “Assess the phase to which drug abuse students prepare for drug addiction”, “Assisting members of the Drug Abuse Advisory Services Group to support each other” and “Enhance parenting education and family visits”. In the aspect of “Counseling Capability”, the priority improvements were: “I can follow professional advice (for example, planning writing briefing, expert review, etc.) “Implement the project.”, “I can perform the work according to the content and key points of the project book”, “I can achieve the expected results within the planning time”, “I can correctly implement the counselling strategy to help students” and “No matter how many students there are, I can have enough counselling skills to make counselling work well” In the analysis of ANOVA, the counsellor's self-consciousness was the only demographic background variables significantly associated with the performance of the team's implementation strategies and counselling. Based on the findings of this study, the participants speak highly of the perceived importance of each item and the satisfaction of the current status. In other words, It also shows that every strategy is well conducted. There are a few parts that need improving. It suggests that individualized counselling approaches can be developed to help drug abuse students in the future.en_US
dc.subjectDrug abuseen_US
dc.subjectImportance-Performance Analysis(IPA)en_US
dc.subjectImpact-Asymmetry Analysis(IAA)en_US
dc.titleResearch on strategies and counseling capability of Drag Abuse Counseling Service Groupen_US

