dc.contributor | 郭靜姿 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 詹秀玉 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-28T11:43:29Z | |
dc.date.available | 2005-1-1 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-28T11:43:29Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2005 | |
dc.description.abstract | 摘 要 本研究旨在調查分析國小科展表現優良師生互動歷程及其學生研究潛能之後續發展。本研究根據文獻探討之理論基礎,分兩部份進行調查研究。一是以10名大台北地區國小科展表現優良教師為樣本,進行「科學專題指導歷程」問卷調查及半結構式訪談;二是以10位優良教師指導過的116名學生為研究對象,進行「參展經歷與研究潛能之後續發展」問卷調查及電話訪談。調查問卷包括:科展表現優良教師科展指導活動調查表、科展表現優良教師指導歷程半結構式訪談大綱與科展表現優良學生參展經歷與研究潛能後續發展調查問卷。所得資料分為文字稿與量化兩部份進行分析:在量的方面,以次數分配與百分比方式處理;在文字稿方面,則針對問卷填寫及訪談意見進行內容分析。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、科展表現優良師生之互動歷程方面 受訪教師均表示,現階段指導科展已不再為得獎而做,而是為了興趣、理想與教育的使命感,以培養學生的研究興趣和能力為目標。八成以上的師 生指出,研究是「起始於解答與方法都不明確的困 惑或問題,教師引導與促進學生主動蒐集資料、提出假設做實驗、獲致結果、找解釋理論、又發現新問題、再提出假設驗證,是一個週而復始循環的問題解決歷程,也是創造問題解決方法與建構新知識的歷程。歷程中理論技術的困境,只要堅持到底、盡力而為,定能突破。較為棘手的是學生失去研究動力,教師如何付出無比的耐心、熱誠、關懷,幫助學生突破心理困境,終至成功完成研究。 二、科展表現優良學生研究潛能後續發展方面 受訪學生八成五仍在學。國高中生與大學生約各佔三成。已上大學的絕大多數就讀公立大學,就讀過資優班者大多選數理科系,未就讀資優班者文理科系約佔一半。已就業者佔一成五,有醫生、研發工程師、專案企劃、生科研究員等,整體而言,大多在科學領域發展,表現優異。 受訪學生在中學階段,僅二成七持續參與科學研究活動;其中一半以上為就讀資優班的學生。持續參與之主因為個人興趣,退出主因為找不到指導老師;其次為課業繁忙升學為重,以及沒有就讀資優班。 受訪學生和家長一致認為,指導老師最大影響是指導學生從事專題研究,讓學生對科學產生興 趣,學到科學思考與方法。後來選擇文科發展的學 生,也都一致認為,科展經驗激發了他們的多元潛能,如領導、問題解決、創造與團隊合作等能力。這些能力對他們日後在大學做專題、社團領導和職場從事研發及企劃工作幫助都很大。最令學生懷念與珍惜的則是研究期間師生朝夕相處、患難相共,所培養出來的深厚情誼。 三、師生、家長對科展經歷的省思與建議方面 多數受訪教師指出,師資培育課程對教師進入學校教學後,指導科展幫助並不大。指導科展的知能需要長期自我摸索。科學研究無法速成,每一件得獎作品,都是師生長期互動,從實作與體驗中辛苦創造出來的。科學專題研究是長期的、主動的、小組的或個人的、合科的、發展全面能力的學習方式,適合科學性向與潛能優秀的學生,在一般課堂中不易落實推動,當然,也不是所有的學生都適合做專題研究。因此,強調科普化,不能因而壓抑高能力學生的潛能發展。 學生與家長認為,國高中生的研究潛能,因為學校與老師極偏重升學考試,找不到指導老師而被埋沒了。也有少數學生建議,老師應多給學生主導作品發展的機會,不要只為了得獎。 根據以上結果,本研究分別對培育專題研究教 學良師、專題研究教學、科展活動與未來研究方向提出可行的建議。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Awarded Teachers and Students in Science Fair: Their Interaction ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the interaction between awarded teachers and students in science fair of the elementary school, and the follow-up study of their students’ performances on science research potentials. Two subjects were included; they were 10 outstanding Taipei elementary school teachers in science fair and 116 students of these teachers. Both questionnaires and semi-structure interviews were used for these two subjects. Quantitative data was analyzed on the basis of frequency distribution and percentage, while qualitative interview scripts were examined on interview contents. Several concerns were raised: How teachers utilized the Project-Based Science (PBS) to guide students? How much these students learned? How much will be for these students to develop their scientific potentials? Main findings were as follows: 1. The interaction between awarded teachers in PBS and their students For these 10 teachers, exercising Project-Based Science for science fair was an activity not only for prize but also for interest and belief for education stimulating students to develop potentials. There are 80% students and teachers agreed that a research originated from a vague question. The teacher then explained related method, took samples, guided experiments, met with results, analyzed data, uncovered discoveries and new questions, and then, repeated these steps. Students exercised these steps to solve problems they met and motivate new ideas. When students lost interest in doing research, teachers were encouraged to be patient, enthusiast, and prudent to help students to solve problems. 2. The follow-up development of these scientifically talent students We found that 85% students of our subject were still at school. There were 30% of them studying in high schools, and 30% studying in universities. Most undergraduate students studied in national universities. For students who did not come from gifted classes, those who studied in literature were half as many as those who studies in science. Besides that, there are 15 percent of students were at work; they were doctors, research engineers, project managers, bio-chemistry researchers, and so on. Generallyspeaking, they have good performance in scientific field. Among these interviewed students, 27 percent of them continued joining in the scientific fair activities in high school life. Half of these 27 percent of subjects came from gifted class. The key factors they continued joining in the scientific fair activities were their interests. On the other hand, main factors for these students gave up participating in these scientific fair activities were lack of teacher-guide, busyness of school’s homework, academic stress, and lack of the experiences studying in gifted classes. The investigated students and their parents underlined the significance when advisors provided more opportunities to arise students’ interests. Even for students studying in literature, they had a belief that joining in the Project-Based Science (PBS) stimulated their multiple potentials, inclusive of leadership ability, problem-solving activities, creativity, and teamwork ability. 3. Suggestions from teachers, students, and parents The investigated teachers mentioned that Project-Based Science was a long-term teamwork after continuous experiments and teaching experiences. Simply teacher training was not helpful for guiding this scientific fair activity. For students and parents, they suggested that it was students’ potentials but not grades that should be emphasized. In sum, suggestions regarding teacher training; project-based teaching, scientific fair activities and future research were concluded. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 特殊教育學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | G00T1091101 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1091101%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91353 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 科展 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 表現優良師生 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 互動歷程 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 後續發展 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | science fair | en_US |
dc.subject | interaction | en_US |
dc.subject | awarded teachers and students | en_US |
dc.subject | follow-up development | en_US |
dc.title | 科展表現優良師生之互動歷程分析 | zh_TW |