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本文旨在探討一位桌球教練選手的桌球運動經驗,研究的進路有四個階段:第一階段為探究國內桌球好手-陳思羽的運動經驗,以無結構式的訪談方式讓陳思羽依照自己的意願敘說其桌球運動生涯的經驗故事;第二階段則以研究者本身服務的小學學生作為觀照的對象,以其為借鏡,探究研究者本身在訓練時的不足之處;第三階段則為研究者本身運動經驗的自我敘說,前三階段的文本皆採用敘事研究的方法來進行描述;第四階段則是以劉一民提煉出梅洛龐蒂的基進反思(radical reflection)作為理論基礎,將上述三階段文本的反思再進行反思,最後提出研究者對於運動經驗的主體思維轉變,以期能夠對自己的過往經驗有更深一層的了解。
This paper aims to explore the relevant sports experience of a table tennis player-coach. The study is divided into four phases. In the first stage, to explore the domestic table tennis player Szu Yu Chen's Sports experience, the unstructured interview method allowed Szu Yu Chen to tell the story of her table tennis sports career according to her own willing. In the second stage, a primary school student under the guidance of the researcher was the object of discussion. Using this student as an indicator, this paper explores the inadequacies of the researcher herself in training. The third stage is self-narration of the researcher's own sports experience. The first three phases of the text are all described using the narrative method. The fourth stage, based on Merleau-Ponty’s “radical reflection”, continues to re-examine the interreflective experiences of the above three-stage texts again. Researcher proposes new ideas for sports experience in order to anticipate the past and may create a deeper understanding for the experience.
This paper aims to explore the relevant sports experience of a table tennis player-coach. The study is divided into four phases. In the first stage, to explore the domestic table tennis player Szu Yu Chen's Sports experience, the unstructured interview method allowed Szu Yu Chen to tell the story of her table tennis sports career according to her own willing. In the second stage, a primary school student under the guidance of the researcher was the object of discussion. Using this student as an indicator, this paper explores the inadequacies of the researcher herself in training. The third stage is self-narration of the researcher's own sports experience. The first three phases of the text are all described using the narrative method. The fourth stage, based on Merleau-Ponty’s “radical reflection”, continues to re-examine the interreflective experiences of the above three-stage texts again. Researcher proposes new ideas for sports experience in order to anticipate the past and may create a deeper understanding for the experience.
基進反思, 敘說研究, 桌球, 運動經驗, radical reflection, narrative, table tennis, sports experience