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因此之故,本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談和田野觀察作為資料蒐集方法,以敘說和對話來傾聽家屬對照顧歷程與意義之解釋,呈現出家屬與精神障礙者在關係中的責任、承諾、愛與牽掛,以及照顧關係的拉扯、切近或鬆動的過程。於是,研究者在第四章和第五章,透過受訪者的經驗敘說,鋪陳出受訪家屬照顧座落之不同位置,和照顧的七個內涵與照顧關係的互動變化。第六章帶出家屬在遭逢小群和走入集體的故事。第七章則透過回視隱身於研究場景的研究者多重自我(multiple selves),反省研究過程中與受訪家屬的互相照見與話語交織,可說是研究者在研究過程中建構了受訪家屬對照顧的詮釋,而受訪家屬亦建構了研究者對精神障礙照顧的理解,故得以從「己群」的角度勾勒出精神障礙家屬集體的實踐路徑;再藉由鉅視環境裡政府和社會工作的服務對比精神障礙族群之需求,揭露家屬為何要走入小群和集體的背後意義。
Due to realted studies usually focus on caregivers’ difficulties, needs and adaptation,and “care”is not only responsibilities, pressure, emotional adjusting, living assistance and burden through literature review, but also essentially includes the connection and relationship between families and people with mental illness.The researcher intends to understand the profound caring experience of families of people with mental illness inorder to return the power of interpretation to the caregiving families.This research uses in-depth interview and field observation to collect caring experiences of ten family caregivers of people with mental illness. Through their stories of caring experiences, the researcher has presented family caregivers’ experiences through three dimensions. First is through the interacting stories between families and people with mental illness to reveal diverse caring qualities within different caring situations. Second is through the mutual encountering stories of these caregiving families to externalize caregiving families of people with mental illness as a unique community. Third is through the researcher’s reflections about her interaction and interpreting process to present the researcher’s multiple selves. By doing these, the researcher wish to depict an alternative understanding of careand, therefore, has illuminated the voices of family caregiver through this mutual constructive story.
Due to realted studies usually focus on caregivers’ difficulties, needs and adaptation,and “care”is not only responsibilities, pressure, emotional adjusting, living assistance and burden through literature review, but also essentially includes the connection and relationship between families and people with mental illness.The researcher intends to understand the profound caring experience of families of people with mental illness inorder to return the power of interpretation to the caregiving families.This research uses in-depth interview and field observation to collect caring experiences of ten family caregivers of people with mental illness. Through their stories of caring experiences, the researcher has presented family caregivers’ experiences through three dimensions. First is through the interacting stories between families and people with mental illness to reveal diverse caring qualities within different caring situations. Second is through the mutual encountering stories of these caregiving families to externalize caregiving families of people with mental illness as a unique community. Third is through the researcher’s reflections about her interaction and interpreting process to present the researcher’s multiple selves. By doing these, the researcher wish to depict an alternative understanding of careand, therefore, has illuminated the voices of family caregiver through this mutual constructive story.
精神障礙者家屬, 精神障礙者, 關照, 敘說, family caregiver, people with mental illness, care, narrative