

大部分人都同意全球環境問題的嚴重性,而1977年伯利西宣言中提出環境教育應提升人們對環境的覺知、知識、態度、技能,乃至最後引領其採取環境行動以解決環境問題。然而,本研究以研究者自身的學習經驗作為出發,提出學習環境議題的過程中,會產生各種負面情緒與對自我的疑惑而對行動有所抗拒,類似的學習反應也廣見於許多國內、外大學生與研究生身上,部分學者提出「希望」應是影響人採取環境行動的關鍵因子,「環境希望」遂成為本研究的主要探索方向。 透過生命史研究法,研究者試圖描述一位環境行動者賴青松的經驗,透過收集相關文件、參與觀察與訪談等方式了解他如何述說自己的故事,再將故事劃分為五個階段:一、童年時期的鄉村生活經驗;二、大學時期透過社團學習環境議題並尋求自我認同;三、前往日本學習共同購買經驗、返台投入相關組織及遭遇挫折;四、自我整理與反省;五、重新打造夢想、經營榖東俱樂部,探討他如何在行動過程中求取環境希望,包括其環境學習歷程、實踐時所面臨自我與人際的問題、乃至如何調整心態以克服挫折等。研究者最後又回歸自身最初的發問,提出用行動解決疑惑、理解社會脈絡同時相信個人力量、做好自己就是改變世界、以及從學校教育中積極尋求環境教育的機會等結論。
Almost everyone agrees that the problems of global environment are getting more and more serious. In 1977, the Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education in Tbilisi declared that environmental education should help people to promote their awareness, knowledge, attitude, skills to environment, and then finally introduce them to take actions to solve environmental problems. In this research, according to the researcher’s own learning experiences, she argued that students might refuse to take action because of some emotional and existential responses in their learning processes, however. Similar responses have been found on some college students and graduates around the world. Some scholars believe that “hope” should be a key factor to promote people to take environmental action, which is emphasized most in this research. The researcher tried to narrate a story of an environmentalist, Lai Ching-Song, through life history approach. The research focused on how Lai talked about his own story with some methods such as document collection, participative observation, and interview. And Lai’s life history was then divided into five stages: 1.an important county experience spent with grandfather in his childhood; 2.learning environmental issues and looking for self-identity in the college; 3.learning Japanese successful food co-op experiences and trying to take it into practice in Taiwanese co-op organization but failing; 4.self-communion period; 5.fulfilling his dream with running the ko-tong rice-growing club. The researcher found Lai constructed environmental hope through these five stages in his environmental learning processes, dealing with personally mental and mutually cooperative problems when practicing. Finally, the researcher went back to her own question at the beginning and came to four conclusions: taking actions to solve the problems such as pessimism and self-unconfidence, apprehending social context and believing in personal power, changing the world with seif-discipline, and exploring opportunities of environmental education in formal education as much as possible.



生命史, 環境行動, 環境希望, life history, environmental action, environmental hope





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