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本研究旨在探討實施創意廚藝教學對餐旅系大學生廚藝創造力與問題解決能力表現之影響。研究中所設計的創意廚藝教學活動採取Isaksen,Dorval與Treffinger (1994)所提出的CPS三元素系統化架構模式為本研究之教學模式,課程內容包含: 「創造力與廚藝」、「創意廚藝作品的意涵」、「五感與廚藝創造力」與「廚藝專業技巧與廚藝創造力」等四大主題。研究設計採用「不等組前-後測之準實驗設計」,以澎科大餐旅系四年級選修「創意廚藝課程」之學生為實驗組,未修此課為對照組。針對實驗組學生進行為期16週的創意實驗教學,兩組學生進行「創意廚藝產品評量表」與「問題解決創造力測驗」前、後測考驗學生教學前與教學後之差異。評量結果以t考驗與單因子多變量共變數進行分析,以檢驗創意廚藝教學實施成效。此外,本研究並輔以現場觀察、教師省思札記與深度訪談學生等方式蒐集相關之質性資料,以分析有效的創造思考教學策略與學生的改變。本研究之重要發現如下: 1.創意廚藝教學活動能增進餐旅系學生的廚藝創造力與問題解決能力。 2.創意廚藝教學活動可以增進學生的專業技巧與創造思考技能之外,也增 進學生的學習興趣與創作態度和動機。 3.創意思考策略有很多種,但應用於教學之中,必須配合情境問題或主題使用,本研究發現腦力激盪法與小組討論法適合在任何情境問題或主題與其他策略配合使用,而KJ法與心智圖法的聯用,最適於主題式的廚藝創作。 關鍵詞: 創意廚藝教學、創造力、創意問題解決能力、廚藝、廚藝教育
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of the creative culinary teaching for the culinary creativity and problem solving ability of the hospitality students in university. Based on the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) model (Isaksen,Dorval & Treffinger, 1994), the experimental curriculum was designed and developed, which included four themes: creativity and culinary art, nature of creative culinary works, five senses and culinary creativity, culinary skills and creativity. The research was conducted under the“nonequivalent pretest-post test quasi-experiment method ”. The participants involved in the experiment were senior students from department of hospitality management of National Penghu University. The experiment group take the course of creative culinary arts ,and which the control group don’t take. The experiment group had the creative culinary program in 16 weeks. In order to measure the difference of student’s culinary creativity and problem solving ability before and after the experiment, “Matrix for Creative Culinary Works” and “The Problem Solving Creativity Test” were used to collect data. The research conducted t-test and MANCOVA analysis to see the effects of creative culinary teaching. In addition, in-class observation, interviews with students, collecting teacher’s reflection note were conducted to facilitate analysis. The findings indicated that 1.It was proved that the creative culinary teaching activities help to enhance hospitality students’ culinary creativity and problem solving ability. 2.The creative culinary teaching activities can not only upgrade students’ culinary professional skills and creative thinking skill but also inspire learning interesting,attitude and motive。 3.The creative thinking teaching strategies must be used to base on the creative problem or the theme of curriculum. The research showed that the brainstorming and class discussing fit to any condition, KJ Method and mind mapping are suited to use in the theme of Culinary creation. Key words:Creative culinary teaching, creativity, Creative problem solving ability, culinary arts , culinary arts education



創意廚藝教學, 創造力, 創意問題解決能力, 廚藝, 廚藝教育, creative culinary teaching, creativity, creative problem solving ability, culinary arts, culinary arts education





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