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研究背景:正向心理學提出個體的正面特質(如:正面情緒),對疾病的預測度甚至遠超過其所呈現的負面特質,並能緩衝在負向生活事件下的衝擊。長期使用安非他命容易使個體有憂鬱、焦慮等負向情緒、和衝動暴力之行為;此外,負向情緒及壓力常是藥物成癮者的復發因子。因此,本研究主要是了解正向心理學之感恩介入,對安非他命成癮者之感恩狀態、幸福感、焦慮及憂鬱的影響效果。研究方法:以準實驗設計之前、後測設計,方便抽樣選取87名戒治中的安非他命慣用者,隨機分派至實驗組與對照組(實際完成研究共83名,40名實驗組、43名對照組)。實驗組接受感恩學習課程,採小團體方式進行(每團體9-11名成員,共10 session,每個團體介入時間20小時),對照組則接受一般戒治處遇之課程(未介入)。研究工具採用:感恩狀態量表、幸福感量表(安適幸福感)、貝克焦慮量表及貝克焦憂鬱表。所有參與者分別在實驗處理前、後,施以前、後測資料,以了解感恩學習課程之效果。此外,從實驗組參與者中選取8名進行訪談,以利提供相關建議。研究結果:統計方法主要以描述統計、卡方統計、共變數分析及多變量共變數分析等分析,排除前測之影響,結果顯示:(1)在感恩狀態及幸福感(含安適幸福感)得分,實驗組與對照組之差異達統計顯著,且實驗組之得分高於對照組,顯示感恩介入對感恩狀態產生正面效果;(2)兩組在貝克焦慮量表之後測分數未達統計顯著;(3)在憂鬱方面,兩組在貝克憂鬱量表之後測得分達統計顯著差異,且實驗組之後測顯著低於對照組,顯示介入產生正面效果。最後,研究者據研究之統計及訪談結果,提出對感恩學習課程介入之實務及研究方面的建議。
Abstract Background:According to positive psychology the individual’s positive traits(e.g. positive emotion)is predictable about diseases more than negative traits, moreover is a buffer to face the negative events impact. Long-term to use amphetamine the abusers are more easily to get in negative emotions(e.g. anxiety , depression )and have the impulsive behaviors. Moreover negative emotion and stress both are the important factors of relapse.For these reasons, the main purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of gratitude intervention on gratitude affect , subjective wellbeing ,anxiety and depression in amphetamine abusers. Method:In this study, is purpose sampling and quasi-experimental research design of pre/post tests design mode.There are 87 amphetamine’s abuser were recurited from drug abuser treatment center and random assign to 2 groups(83 participants completed ,40 is experiment group/43is control group). The intervention periods experiment group accept gratitude intervention.It is group treatment way(1 group include 9-11 participants,10 sessions,1 group intervention times are 20 hours);In the meantime control group was accepted the general abstinence treatment.(non-treated) Measurement materials are Gratitude Affect Scale、Subjective Wellbeing Scale、The Peace of Mind Scale、BAI and BDI.All of participants completed self-report assessments at pre-treatment(T1,about before intervention 1 week),and post-treatment(T2,about after intervention 1 week)to examined these effects. Moreoverthis study in experiment group select 8 participants to interview for the quality data. Result:Statistic analyses included descriptive statistic, chi-square,t-test, ANCOVA and MANCOVA . The main results of this study:(1) the intervention effects are significant on gratitude affect, subjective wellbeing,(including The Peace of MindScale)and experiment group score is higher than control group (2) the intervention effects are non-significant on anxiety(BAI). (3) the intervention effects are significant on depression (BDI) and experiment group score is lower than control groupIn other words, the means are (1) the gratitude intervention is benefit to increase gratitude relate affects,subjective wellbeing and decrease depression (2) the intervention effects are not on anxiety in anphetamine’s users.The finally according to this study results and interview opinions offer suggestions for future related study.



幸福感, 感恩, 焦慮, 憂鬱, 藥物成癮, Subjective-wellbeing, Gratitude, Anxiety, Depression, Drug addiction





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