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本研究旨在探討嘉義縣市大學生智慧型手機成癮行為之相關因素,運用Fishbein的理性行動理論加入Bandura的自我效能理論來討論並驗證之。 研究對象為嘉義縣市102學年度公私立大專院校在學學生,採分層集束抽樣,取得有效樣本431份,研究工具為第一階段開放式引導問卷,第二階段依開放式引導問卷所得之顯著信念進行編擬結構式問卷。 本研究分析結果如下: 一、研究對象的智慧型手機使用行為信念、結果評價及重要他人對於智慧型手機使用規範信念會因外在變項的水準不同而有顯著差異;但對重要他人的規範其依從動機並未依其外在變項的水準不同而有顯著差異。 二、研究對象的智慧型手機成癮行為會因外在變項,特別是年級、自覺心理健康狀況及每日使用時間長短的不同而有顯著差異。 三、研究對象的智慧型手機使用行為信念暨結果評價之相乘積和與智慧型手機使用行為態度、重要他人對於智慧型手機使用行為之規範信念暨依從動機之相乘積和與智慧型手機使用行為主觀規範均呈顯著正相關。 四、研究對象之拒癮自我效能分數越低,智慧型手機成癮行為傾向就越高;智慧型手機使用行為態度、重要他人對於智慧型手機使用行為主觀規範越正向,智慧型手機成癮行為傾向就越高。 五、以外在變項之「年級」、「自覺心理健康狀態」及「每日使用累計時間」來預測智慧型手機成癮行為時,得以解釋其總變異量14.2%,投入理性行動論之重要變項:態度及主觀規範時,其解釋總變異量提升5.4%達19.6%,最後加入拒癮自我效能變項時,其解釋總變異量可高達29.1%,顯著增加9.5%。 六、研究對象外在變項之「年級」、「自覺心理健康狀態」及「每日使用累計時間」、與智慧型手機使用行為態度、重要他人對於智慧型手機使用行為主觀規範及拒癮自我效能均能有效預測智慧型手機成癮行為。
This study aims to explore the elements related to the smart phone addiction of the university students in Chiayi County and City. The data are analysed with the theory of reasoned action (TRA) proposed by Fishbein and the self-efficacy theory by Bandura. The research subjects are the university students enrolled in the school year 2014 from both the national and private universities in Chiayi County and City. This research adopts the stratified and cluster samplings, and obtains 431 valid samples. The first stage is to distribute the open-ended elicitation questionnaires. The second stage is to design a structured questionnaire based on the salient beliefs obtained from the open-ended elicitation questionnaires. Results are described as follows: 1.Subjects’ behavioural beliefs, outcome evaluation, and normative beliefs of the important others to use smart phones have significant differences depending on the extraneous variables; but there are no significant differences in subjects’ motivations to comply with the normative beliefs depending on the extraneous variables. 2.Subjects’ smart phone addiction has a significant difference depending on the extraneous variables, especially in year of college, self-perceived mental health, and time of using smart phone every day. 3.The multiplication outcome of subjects’ behavioural beliefs and outcome evaluation in using smart phone has a significant positive relation to the attitude of using smart phone; the multiplication outcome of the important others’ normative beliefs and subjects’ compliance motivations has a significant positive relation to the subjective norm of using smart phone. 4.The lower subjects’ self-efficacy in addiction cessation, the higher the tendency to the smart phone addiction. The more positive in attitude of using smart phone and in the important others’ normative beliefs to use smart phone, the higher the tendency to the smart phone addiction. 5.To predict a smart phone addiction from the extraneous variables “year of college,” “self-perceived mental health,” and “time of using smart phone everyday,” the total variance explained is 14.2%. When the important variables of TRA “attitude” and “subjective norm” are included, the total variance explained increases 5.4% to 19.6%. When the variable of self-efficacy in addiction cessation is included, the total variance explained increases 9.5% to 29.1%. 6.A smart phone addiction is able to be effectively predicted from subjects’ extraneous variables “year of college,” “self-perceived mental health,” and “time of using smart phone every day,” attitude in using smart phone, the important others’ normative beliefs in using smart phone, and self-efficacy in addiction cessation.



智慧型手機, 成癮, 理性行動理論, 自我效能, smartphone, addiction, theory of reasoned action, self-efficacy





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