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本研究使用國內兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究(Child& Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution,簡稱CABLE計畫)資料庫,以2008年及2011年部分資料進行次級資料分析,研究樣本共1,646位學生。統計分析以SAS 9.4及STATA 13.0進行,統計方法包含描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關性檢定,以及階層式多元線性迴歸分析。
Objectives The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between internalizing problem behavior (depression, social anxiety, social loneliness), social support (parental support, peer support), in secondary schools, and Internet behavioral addiction in high schools. Methods This study used part of the data (2008 and 2011) from the Child& Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) study. The total samples in this study were taken from 1,646 students. The statistical analyses were analyzed by the SAS 9.4 and STATA 13.0. The statistical methods included descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, One- way ANOVA, correlation test, and the hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis. Results Our study found that by internalizing the problem behavior (depression, social anxiety, social loneliness) were significant and positively correlated to the Internet addiction. Social support (parental support, peer support) were significant and negatively correlated to the Internet addiction. According to the results from the multiple linear regression model, after controlling for other variables, internalizing problem behavior, parental support, gender, and parental education, can significantly predict the degree of Internet addiction in the high school students. Conclusions and Recommendations This study has provided evidence that the adolescents' internalizing problem behavior and social support from their parents and peers can affect the degree of Internet addiction in high school. Results suggested that the parents, teachers, and other health workers should assess the psychological status of the adolescents, and their own social support as early as possible, thereby helping students to understand their mental health issues and to choose the solutions to solve them, as then it will help to slow down the subsequent reliance on the Internet.
Objectives The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between internalizing problem behavior (depression, social anxiety, social loneliness), social support (parental support, peer support), in secondary schools, and Internet behavioral addiction in high schools. Methods This study used part of the data (2008 and 2011) from the Child& Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) study. The total samples in this study were taken from 1,646 students. The statistical analyses were analyzed by the SAS 9.4 and STATA 13.0. The statistical methods included descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, One- way ANOVA, correlation test, and the hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis. Results Our study found that by internalizing the problem behavior (depression, social anxiety, social loneliness) were significant and positively correlated to the Internet addiction. Social support (parental support, peer support) were significant and negatively correlated to the Internet addiction. According to the results from the multiple linear regression model, after controlling for other variables, internalizing problem behavior, parental support, gender, and parental education, can significantly predict the degree of Internet addiction in the high school students. Conclusions and Recommendations This study has provided evidence that the adolescents' internalizing problem behavior and social support from their parents and peers can affect the degree of Internet addiction in high school. Results suggested that the parents, teachers, and other health workers should assess the psychological status of the adolescents, and their own social support as early as possible, thereby helping students to understand their mental health issues and to choose the solutions to solve them, as then it will help to slow down the subsequent reliance on the Internet.
青少年, 內化問題行為, 社會支持, 父母支持, 網路成癮, Adolescent, Internalizing Problem Behavior, Social Support, Parental Support, Internet Addiction