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本研究以Ajzen和Fishbein的理性行動理論(The theory of reasoned action)與Bandura社會學習理論中之自我效能為基礎,主要探討國中生騎自行車戴安全帽行為意圖與其影響因素,並討論理論適切性。本研究以桃園縣中壢市公立國中九十四年在學生為研究母群體,採分層集束抽樣方式抽出研究樣本,並完成的有效問卷382份。研究工具為結構式問卷,乃依據開放式引導問卷填答結果篩選出顯著信念編擬而成。
The purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school students’ helmet-wearing behavioral intention and related factors of riding bicycles on the basis of both the Theory of Reasoned Action of Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) and the Self-efficacy of Bandura's Social Learning Theory. By using stratified cluster sampling method, the 382 samples were selected from the students who studied in the public junior high schools in Zhongli City, Taoyuan County in 2005. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data for this study. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.About 40﹪samples had positive behavioral intention to wear helmets when riding bicycles;but other 40﹪samples showed negative intentions. 2. The attitude and subjective norm could effectively explain 36.94﹪of variance of the intention of wearing helmets; self-efficacy added 20.08﹪ explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these three variables accounted for 57.02%. The sort of the importance was self-efficacy, attitude, and subjective norm. 3. The attitudes of the samples toward helmet-wearing were significantly positively related to the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes (ΣBi*Ei). Also, the subjective norm of the samples toward helmet-wearing were also significantly positively related to the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply(ΣNBj*MCj). 4. There were significant differences between samples with or without the intention of helmet-wearing in behavioral beliefs, evaluations of outcomes, normative beliefs, motivations to comply, and self-efficacy. 5. The variables of ‘gender’, ‘grade’, ‘the experiences of helmet-wearing’, ‘the experiences of traffic accidents’ couldn’t affect samples’ intention of helmet-wearing. 6. The results of this study supported the framework, an integration of Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy.
The purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school students’ helmet-wearing behavioral intention and related factors of riding bicycles on the basis of both the Theory of Reasoned Action of Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) and the Self-efficacy of Bandura's Social Learning Theory. By using stratified cluster sampling method, the 382 samples were selected from the students who studied in the public junior high schools in Zhongli City, Taoyuan County in 2005. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data for this study. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.About 40﹪samples had positive behavioral intention to wear helmets when riding bicycles;but other 40﹪samples showed negative intentions. 2. The attitude and subjective norm could effectively explain 36.94﹪of variance of the intention of wearing helmets; self-efficacy added 20.08﹪ explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these three variables accounted for 57.02%. The sort of the importance was self-efficacy, attitude, and subjective norm. 3. The attitudes of the samples toward helmet-wearing were significantly positively related to the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes (ΣBi*Ei). Also, the subjective norm of the samples toward helmet-wearing were also significantly positively related to the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply(ΣNBj*MCj). 4. There were significant differences between samples with or without the intention of helmet-wearing in behavioral beliefs, evaluations of outcomes, normative beliefs, motivations to comply, and self-efficacy. 5. The variables of ‘gender’, ‘grade’, ‘the experiences of helmet-wearing’, ‘the experiences of traffic accidents’ couldn’t affect samples’ intention of helmet-wearing. 6. The results of this study supported the framework, an integration of Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy.
安全帽, 自行車, 行為意圖, 理性行動理論, 自我效能, Helmet, Bicycle, Behavioral Intention, Theory of Reasoned Action, Self-efficacy